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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Im gonna need some sticks cause my sl is breaking (6days) i was wondering what you thought about either getting custom bauer 6000's or just keep on going with sl's or something more durable then them but comparable in feel and preformance?

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screw the SL. get something different unless u really like the feel and performance, but its not worth it for most people cause they break so eazy.

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For whatever it's worth, the Easton 2006 catalogue claims that both the shaft and blade of the SL have been improved (more durable) for 2006. Might just be a marketing gimmick, but I would imagine that Easton got a little tired of dishing out replacement SL's. The new one might be worth a try, but I'm gonna wait until some reviews come in.

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The P19 doesnt really look like a Drury Clone to me,its a heel but its no drury.

The ones I've seen (and used) were YP, damn near identical to a Dury.

I couldve done that? Wow that sucks i didnt even know that....

Sometimes you can get lucky if you ask the right questions.

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For whatever it's worth, the Easton 2006 catalogue claims that both the shaft and blade of the SL have been improved (more durable) for 2006. Might just be a marketing gimmick, but I would imagine that Easton got a little tired of dishing out replacement SL's. The new one might be worth a try, but I'm gonna wait until some reviews come in.

ya they do say that alot. it might be worth a try, but im done with easton. my last 2 SL's didnt last long enought to be worth it. the first one was good tho (3 months)

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it broke last night at practise.. :( thats 4 sl grips now..about the p19 patten can you get them on adrenalines of just responses..and has anyone seen the salo pro pattern?

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Can someone point me to a pic of the P19? Couldn't find it on the TPS site.

It's not a regular retail pattern. Pro-stock only.

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I second the vapor xxx. It has good feel and is really light and well balanced. If you can, wait for the xxx lite to come out. I have one and it seems pretty durable so far, and it was 10 dollars cheaper than the regular xxx.

The Adrenaline would be a good choice also, if you can find a drury clone.

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