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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Changing steel?

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I was wondering if changing the steel on ur skates has any damaging effects? ive got grafs and its really easy to change the blades and i want to change the blades specifically for outdoors and indoors. will the bolts get too worn out?

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You can change your steel as often as you like with no problems. Graf has decent hardware. Do NOT overtighten or the nut will split. Bauer hardware sucks. Buy a spare set of Bauer hardware. CCM and Easton and Mission hardware is great, no problems.

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Oh ok thnx.....ive also got another delema, i think this had been mentions but, im cuting my synergy right now to make it take tappered blades....ive cut around the point where i can see the fuse line, should i try to heat it up then pull it out? or should i cut through the solid peice and chisle it away? Help

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AtlantaThrashers01 Posted on Nov 29 2005, 10:06 PM

  Oh ok thnx.....ive also got another delema, i think this had been mentions but, im cuting my synergy right now to make it take tappered blades....ive cut around the point where i can see the fuse line, should i try to heat it up then pull it out? or should i cut through the solid peice and chisle it away? Help 

If you cut on that line you see through the pain, you'll be in the foam. You gotta cut about 3" over that line (the length of a hosel on a Tapper RB), so you're in the empty part.

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You can change your steel as often as you like with no problems. Graf has decent hardware. Do NOT overtighten or the nut will split. Bauer hardware sucks. Buy a spare set of Bauer hardware. CCM and Easton and Mission hardware is great, no problems.

I swapped out steel on lightspeeds yesterday in under five minutes. It's so much easier than on custom+, but still a pain compared to Mission or CCM. For some reason it seems like the Eastons are always cross threaded.

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Chadd, How do you change the steel in LS2's?

Going off memory here

Take out the insole. Pull out the plastic plug. Unscrew the bolt. Pull out the steel.

Reverse steps to reinstall.

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