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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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changing blades

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I would say when there is not enough steel left to have them sharpened/ profiled/ skate the way your son likes.

BTW- My son has never went through a set of steel in one season. I skate 2-3 times a week and it took almost 2 years before I needed new steel. I get them sharpened about every 6 skates.

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I have the CCM pro lite blades. they are easily replace by removing bolts. How often do most folks change blades?

When noticably worn or the rocker gets shorter?

Every year?

Best not to wait too long. When you finally put new steel on, the height will be dramatically changed from the old and the skater will have a big adjustment period. I always recommend getting an extra set of steel when you buy new skates and rotate the two pairs. This way the steel height never gets too far from normal, plus you always have an extra set in your bag in case of emergencies or for tourneys, etc.

I can almost guaranty you that the rocker is altered by a bad sharpener and is way off by the time they have been sharpened 8 times. Unless you have a good sharpener of course. But honestly, how many rinks shops have true professionals sharpening skates. Not many.

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