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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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One Goal Hockey Show - Boston - 1/7/06 - 1/9/06

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It's interesting. I've seen a number of retailers express their displeasure with the manufacturers constantly coming out with new products, which devalue the current inventory. And yet I think the manufacturers are scared that they HAVE to come out with newer products or they'll begin to lose the arms race.

I don't know the answer to that conundrum.

The answer is guaranty buy back!

You got to give the retailer time to sell a product. When you come out with a new product 6 months after delivery of the old one, it basically makes the old one worthless. If we have a big inventory, we don't like taking those kind of losses. On the other hand new products are great too. I would like to see retailers band together and change the industy. Stop making big bookings. Demand guaranteed buy back. When you have sales reps trying to get you to buy large quantities or the companies offering programs which force you to buy large quantities, it really sucks when 6 months later you are stuck with all the "outdated" gear. What really makes it worse is the big internet sites. For example the new skates aren't even out yet, yet all the internet sites now have the old ones at deep discounts. We are talking skates I've barely had delivered 5 months ago.

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