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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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nike flexlite

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I have worn my flexlites 7 times now, yes thier light, but i feel i can't turn as quickly or manuver as as well as in any other pair of skates i've ever had. Im forty and have worn plenty of skates,we still play very competitively. If it was one of my three hundred dollar bats I wouldn't think of using it, feels different when it's skates. Does anyone own these and like them?

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Ive had three pairs of nikes and loved them all. No matter what year they came out they all felt almost identical. I know two people with flexlites and they both love them. I know alot of people that have v-12s and they say their the most comfortable skates they have ever worn.

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everyone i know that has ever worn nike skates hates them.

YES-- will never wear Nikes even if they were free-- terrible terrible skates.


have you even tried the F12s?

I have used many skates, and my Nike's are the most comfortable and have been most reliable for me yet. I reccomend them highly.

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everyone i know that has ever worn nike skates hates them.

I don't hate my V-12s. I would have never, in a million years, thought I would like a pair of Nike skates. I bought a pair of Bauer Classic Golds and a pair of Vapor XXs when they first came out. The Classic Golds went up on eBay a couple weeks after I got them and the Vapor XXs were exchanged for my current V-12s because the Vapors had bruised my ankle bones so badly I couldn't skate for 4 weeks.

I have had the V-12s from almost the time they hit the shelves and besides having some holder alignment issues (fixed by JR when he was still in Orlando) they have been great skates. They are starting to show quite a bit of wear from use but they are still holding up well. I have gotten about a dozen other people hooked on them also.

If you haven't tried the new Nikes then I would recommend giving them another look. The Vs and Flexlites are vastly improved over the old Zoom and Quest models.

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I bought Bauer 8000 skates not too long ago because they fit most like Nike. 8090 might have but they don't fit my foot at all. I will never like the fit of my 8000s as much as my Nikes.

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everyone i know that has ever worn nike skates hates them.

YES-- will never wear Nikes even if they were free-- terrible terrible skates.


I'd say it depends on your foot. Nikes, especially the Quest, fits VERY wide, if you have a narrow foot, its probably not your cup of tea.

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