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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Red Sox 20

Help on new skates

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Hi, I have not been on MSH for quite a while. I am looking to buy a new pair of skates but cannot decide which is the best for my foot. Wanted to get some of your opinions and iseas. I am currently wearing the Graf G5, and the fit is very good for me. However, I hate how heavy the skate is along with how much water is retains. I like the fact that I am on my toes more with the forward Graf pitch.

So here's my little overview of my foot and skate:

-flat feet (almost completely flat)

-around roughly 4.5 inches at the widest part

-large foot (almost a 13.5 shoe)

-like forward pitch (not too much though)

-want light skate (much lighter than Grafs)

-money is not an issue (skates are critical).

-durability would be a plus but performance is the most important

Thanks for all of the help in advance and hopefully you guys can help me make the correct decision. Oh, and I do not plan on buying Easton Skates or Grafs again (heard bad reviews from teammates on Easton synergies)

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Well, the new Easton Synergy 1500's should have corrected and problems the '05 1300c's had.

And I would suggest Mission S500's or the new AG (I think) model that they're coming out with. AG is like the Supple-Fit, and XP is like the current L7, more traditional. The AG should have an ultra-comfortable boot, and with the pitch holder, you can adjust how you want to sit with simple steel adjustments.

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I have the bauer 8090's love them. I have about 7 hours on them and they are very comfortable. I also like to skate on my toes. I have a wide flat foot and this skate is perfect, I wear a 10 D Wide.

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Well, from CCM I have Vector Pros and am quite impressed. They're stiff as hell though, but they don't hold water at all and are incredibly light; I don't notice a difference between them and Vapor XXXs.

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If you want to lighten your skates up try T-blades. They are lighter than most blades/holders because the steel is thinner and smaller compared to regular blades.

I wear G5s also and I have demoed the Synergy 1300c skates. When holding the two skates in my hand the Synergy felt lighter but when wearing the skates, I couldn't tell the difference in weight. In my opinion, the lightweight skates are just hype, but if you feel more confident or comfortable in a lightweight pair of skates, the Vapor XXXs, which have already been mentioned, are very nice skates.

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Well, the new Easton Synergy 1500's should have corrected and problems the '05 1300c's had.

And the 1300c's fixed all of the problems with the 2004 Synergy skates. :rolleyes: I have no idea why someone would suggest a skate that neither they, nor anyone they know has used.

If you want to lighten your skates up try T-blades. They are lighter than most blades/holders because the steel is thinner and smaller compared to regular blades.

That's the worst reson I can think to choose t'blades. Well, other than that's what some cool guy is using. Personally they have never worked for me but some others like them.

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No one I now has had problems with the Synergy Skates,04 that is.

Almost everyone I've ever heard has had ankle problems. Then again some people think that wrapping their ankle or having to use molsekin every time they skate doesn't mean they have a problem.

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Yeah, supposedly the issue is that if you have thick ankles, the skate doesn't work for you. We'll see...all I know is that I am sitting on a bunch of 1300cs...

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Yeah, supposedly the issue is that if you have thick ankles, the skate doesn't work for you. We'll see...all I know is that I am sitting on a bunch of 1300cs...

I finally had a guy in the shop that actually bought the 04 synergy skates.

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They felt great on me in the store, but by the time I skated them for the 5th time my ankles were pouring blood. It was a shame b/c when I wasn't in pain I could really haul ass by my standards.

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