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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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playa, if you want one of the older non grip Ultra lites ive got one for sale i dont use anymore, and also if you want a stiffer stick, i have a X stiff TPS Tri core i dont use anymore either! pm me. im in the UK too

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I use both a standard and a tapered inno 1100, best shafts out there. I prefer the tapered shaft w/o ploarguard to the regular but both are solid performers.

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Also whats the difference between the redlite XN10 and the Redlite, i was thinking about maybe a Redlite but i wanted to know how they perform.

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RL XN10 uses XN10 graphite and is crazy-light. I just got a Response XN10 (OPS) and oh my lordy, this thing is a feather. Whip flex, so much nicer coming from my old Sher-Wood 7000 w/ mashed-to-hell blade.

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So does anyone know what would happen if i ordered a standard 1100 shaft from hockeyoutlets.com in the form of what grip i might recieve?

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So does anyone know what would happen if i ordered a standard 1100 shaft from hockeyoutlets.com in the form of what grip i might recieve?

I would call / email them to find out...

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call perani's in Flint Michigan and order a tapered 1100. Why plunk down your hard earned cash for more questions than answers? When in the zone, no shaft competes with my tapered 1100.

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