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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I did a search but had a hard time finding anything. Gloves with that carbon weave material on the outside. How is it for durability. Does it make the glove lighter and does it dry faster??

Thanks Sid.

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We've had some Eagles and DR gloves with carbon and it seems like the full-carbon Eagles were a little stiffer when new but did hold up a bit better than the normal ones. The flash seemed a bit softer and broke in quicker but they also scuffed and scratched a little easier too.

There was no difference in weight or other properties that anyone here noticed.

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It's the same stuff as synthetic leather. The "carbon weave" is just an emboss, so it looks cooler. It doesn't actually help anything.

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It's the same stuff as synthetic leather. The "carbon weave" is just an emboss, so it looks cooler. It doesn't actually help anything.

That's why it isn't lighter. I do have three pair of carbon and three pair of regular eagles in the shop right now and I can feel the difference in them without looking.

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The MB33, is a more traditionnal model than the MB22 with mostly a longer cuff. You can try to find pics of C.Phillips who has those.

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Buyer beware!

Carbon material can look the same from one supplier to another but can be totaly different,

Carbon is only a finish(they insert a film between the pu and the base cloth)

it is the base cloth that makes the difference between high durability, weight, softness, etc.

Some companies are using carbon looking material embossed in vinyl(pvc), this makes for a heavier, stiffer and non-enviromental friendly glove.

Others are using a polyester nylon coagulated base coated with some polyurathane, depending on the supplier some carbon materials are lighter, more supple and water repellent as well.

my 2 cents....

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Mia, Would it be possible to have a light glove like nylon...but have a ''coating'' ''layer'' of carbon for cooler look!?

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Nylon (or polyester wich has better abresion resistance) is a fiber that can be woven for fabric or used for non-woven materials such as synthetic leather.

When a glove is made of nylon fabric (same for polyester by the way), it is not really possible to add a film for effects but it is possible to add a other features such as pu coating for water repellency. Look out for a new generation of high end fabrics in the next few years!

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