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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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stick help-switching from bauer to ?

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After breaking a bauer endure and a bauer vapor xx in the same week I've decided to go to a two peice system and I was excited when I saw the bauer vapor xv shaft and bauer xv tapered blades.

I just received the shaft yesterday, however they sent me a junior blade instead of a senior. While I'm getting this resolved the store tells me that the vapor xv has been discontinued. He then tells me that the easton blades will fit in the shaft but they may be doing away with their tapered system as well.

My question is this: Do I keep this shaft and just order 6 or 7 back up blades to last me a while, or should I just return the tapered shaft and get a traditional shaft..if so, what kind? Is the tapered blade/shaft system that mucj better?

Also, I currently use the Lindros Curve or the Kovulchuck from bauer...can anyone fill me in on some similar curves by different companies?

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Easton's tapered line isn't going anywhere. The Synergy-II is tapered. And neither is TPS's, Mission's, Inno's or any other brands. Someone will have a curve you like. If you like the feel of the shaft, get whatever blade you want that's tapered. You should be more inpressed with this than a standard-hosel two-piece.

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i dont see any company discontinuing their tapered lines anytime soon. bauer might make a new tapered shaft, but i doubt they will get rid of tapered combos all together

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Well you already have a tapered shaft on your hands, which will be better performing then a standard. I'd hold on to the XV.

As far as the tapered blades situation goes. I haven't heard anything about Easton getting rid of their tapered line, Even if they did, you would still find Easton tapered blades floating around for a while, but I wouldn't image it going anywhere right now, seeing as they just came out with a new tapered composite. And you still have Inno, TPS, and Mission tapered composite blades to choose from.

So I would keep the XV, and shop around for a Tapered blade.

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