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Graf Skates - Holders

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I'm looking at getting some 7 series graf skates. I have always worn Bauer skates, and currently have 5000's with Custom +'s. What kind of holders should I get on the Graf's? Custom plus', lightspeeds, lightspeed 2's, or leave the Cobra's on? Any help would be great. Thanks.

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I second the mission pitch holders. The pitch holders will allow you to adjust the pitch so they feel like your bauers. Also, you could also experiment with a forward pitch so they feel similar to Cobra holders.

Before buying new holders, give the stock Cobras a try. Skate in them a few times to see if you like the forward pitch. I have been using Cobra holders on Graf skates for the last 5-6years and I am happy with them. They may not be the lightest holders on the market but they are really durable and it is easy to change/tighten the blades.

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now.. dont get me wrong..but when i first started skating in graf skates, i was told that it was infact the graf boot's aggressive forward lean that gave you the extra toe bite, and not the cobra holder...

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The boot has forward lean. meaning that you feel like you're leaning forward more kind of. The forward angle of the boot makes you feel like you're more on the balls of your feet than some other skates.

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Dont mean to hijack thread, but is it possible to mount the new Lightspeed 2 'Power' holder on Vapor XXX?

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Dont mean to hijack thread, but is it possible to mount the new Lightspeed 2 'Power' holder on Vapor XXX?

The new lightspeed holders are slightly longer than the last generation. The hole pattern is apparently 3-4mm different due to the fact the material used is Lexan (so I've been told) thus they do not shrink when they cool coming out of the mold like the standard nylon based plastic holders.

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So am I better off leaving the Cobra's on, or should I switch to some kind of Tuuk? I've just always worn Tuuk's. Thanks.

Try the Grafs a few times before making your decision!!

I was in the same boat...always skated with Tuuks, but I have left the Cobra's on my Grafs (703's) since making the switch to Graf. There have been times where I feel I want to switch back, and may still do so, but I think I'll skate on the Cobra's a full season and then think about it some more. The change is not as abrupt as some make it sound. I'm a good to very-good skater - I am nowhere near college level or anything crazy like that (just play adult rec league)...but I adapted to the Cobra's after about 20 minutes of an open skate session after buying my Grafs. I have to admit the first few laps around were a little strange, finding the new balance point, but you'll adapt quickly if you're at best (or above) an average skater. If anything I feel the Cobra's get me into an aggressive skating position a little quicker than Tuuks would, and as a forward I kinda like that.

It is interesting though to see the number of college/pro players who switch to Tuuks on their Grafs.

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No, it's just skating in them a bit to get used to the different balance between the two. If you can skate backwards well in Tuuks, you can skate backwards well on the Cobras - BUT that doesn't mean you may not want to still switch due to personal preference.

Finding the right boot/company for your foot is far more important than the holder that's screwed on...although I've never skated on Easton's (I've heard their holders are pretty bad).

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I'd say to switch at the beginning, because the LHS might just swith them for free or will made you pay for the repair and not the new holder. If you skate with the cobra a few times, you'll have to buy the new holder(either Tuuk or Pitch) holder and you'll have a pair of cobra in your basement.


I have to admit the first few laps around were a little strange, finding the new balance point, but you'll adapt quickly if you're at best (or above) an average skater

like you said after this, why are they(college players) switching to tuuks? because they want to break in faster, and some of them are very picky. That's not true that if you are a good skater, you'll adapt faster.

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I kept the Cobra Holders on my Graf 727's, however I had the radius contoured from 11' to 9'. I remember reading somewhere that different Graf Models have different radii so this may or may not apply in your case. The forward pitch never bothered me but I did not like the long radius. I have since changed to Rbk 8K's without any problems but the first time I skated backwards felt a bit awkward.

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With this forward lean people talk about, is it tougher to skate backwards?  I'm a defensemen.

I played defense for a couple of years with cobras on either 705s or 709s and I actually liked the forward pitch. I found that in situations in the front of the net where I have to leave and use a quick burst of speed to chase after someone, I could acclerate quicker because I am already in a ready position on the balls of my feet. Also, in my opinion, it isn't much harder to skate backwards with the forward pitch, it just takes some adjusting.

now.. dont get me wrong..but when i first started skating in graf skates, i was told that it was infact the graf boot's aggressive forward lean that gave you the extra toe bite, and not the cobra holder...

This is true, that grafs have a forward boot pitch. If you compare a graf skate to bauer or ccm, you will see that the back part of the graf skate (from the heel to the tendon guard) is angled forward. This causes your ankle to bend forward and it forces you to bend your knees.

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