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Easton pro gloves of this year

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Just a quick question for you Kovy, how often do you change gloves? I'm guessing every time Kovalev changes gloves, you're ready, willing and able to drop two bills on the exact same model...

I thought you were looking at the 6K gloves to match Kovalev (though I figured he'd just have an 8K made up for him in nylon)...and dropped 2 bills a year ago on Eagles like Fedorov's...

Btw, who is that guy in the pic? It looks like he's #72 - it's not Kovalev, that's for sure...or is that Ryder with a #73? I can't even see it, it's so small...

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Just a quick question for you Kovy, how often do you change gloves?  I'm guessing every time Kovalev changes gloves, you're ready, willing and able to drop two bills on the exact same model...

I thought you were looking at the 6K gloves to match Kovalev (though I figured he'd just have an 8K made up for him in nylon)...and dropped 2 bills a year ago on Eagles like Fedorov's...

Btw, who is that guy in the pic?  It looks like he's #72 - it's not Kovalev, that's for sure...or is that Ryder with a #73?  I can't even see it, it's so small...

ok, I got 6k's , but I'm not use to them yet. and you don't want to know how much I paid for them...

Kovy is playing with RBk now, why would I want Easton if he's playing with RBKs, maybe because I like them. I'm still playing with my Easton BTW, but I wanted a newer PRO model.

For the Feds, never played with them, they were for my bro.

yes it's, markov

I change glove once in a while, when the other ones are too worn out.

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i have these gloves they r very nice got them at purehockey they r not the same exact ones the pros wear but are very similar and are made in canada.

any pics of them please...

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I agree, those are damn nice, all nylon, wow.. I want a pair all black, I'll email pure hockey right away,

JRWARRIOR, any pics of the open end to see if they are Eagle like or more close like the nike quest or something, thanks.

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I agree, those are damn nice, all nylon, wow.. I want a pair all black, I'll email pure hockey right away,

JRWARRIOR, any pics of the open end to see if they are Eagle like or more close like the nike quest or something, thanks.

they r size 14.5 i believe. they are very loose like eagles. ill try to take another pic

edit: they have plastic inserts in the front of the glove. the palm is very soft i dont know what type it is

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seems like a lot of people are after these gloves, but they're really hard to find!

Just to throw an idea out there (please be gentle boys)

Maybe we could look at getting a MSH custom order? Anyone?

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