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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf 707

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I currently wear Bauer 5000's and have Easton Synergy's which I got in the toy drive that cut my feet up. I am looking at getting some new skates, and went to my LHS tonight to try some on. Tried on Vectors, Tacks, S500, 707, and 705. The only ones that really fit my foot were 707, all the others were too narrow, even in there largest width.

What does everyone think of these skates? Will I have a lot of trouble switching from 5000's? I don't NEED to switch skates if I don't have to, and I guess I could try some more Bauer's if the change to 707's is going to be that bad. Any opinions?

Thanks guys!

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i am on my second pair of custom 707's. i absolutely love them. but i have extremely strong ankles. the 707 model is best for people coming back from ankle injuries, or people with strong ankles that do not need as much support. i switched to those, because i used to tear apart bauers in about 3 months... and that was when the made skates to last. the difference in the 707 ankles made a huge difference for me.

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I had a pair of them and yes, they're incredibly flexible in the ankle area. I was wearing Bauer 5000s before I switched, but this was about 3 years ago. It was like going from wearing laced-up hi-tops your whole life and then wearing low-cut Converse Allstars. Since I play defense, they're really nice for side-to-side movement - I felt like I was on street shoes when I did backward crossovers at a low skating speed. I since switched back to stiffer skates (Tacks) and will probably never go back to the Grafs, but they were fun.

McCabe#1, if you're interested I still have the 707s (with Tuuk blades) and I'd be willing to sell them very cheap. PM me if you want more info.

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