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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Toe Drag Mechanics

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This question is kind of related to my previous post. When you guys are performing a toe-drag, is most of your weight on your shooting foot or off-shooting foot (i'm right handed and i'm referring to my off-shooting foot as my right foot). I found myself today toe dragging with most of my weight on my left foot, however, when I wanted to then get the shot off, all my weight was already on my left foot, and it seemed like there was not as much power available.

Is it better to toe-drag with your weight on your off-shooting foot so when you get a shooting lane, you can quickly transfer your weight and get the shot off?


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Im right handed and i think you transfer wieght as you do it but im not really shure. Like as you pull it in you transfer weight from your right foot to your left. But i dont know, ive never really thought about it i just do it. I dont think its to critical where your weight is.

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I should be a bit more specific because I agree when I pull of a toe-drag in the middle of the ice/rink, i just do it...however, when I perform a toe-drag for the purpose of shooting immediately after, I find that all my weight is on my off-shooting foot and it seems to mess my snap shot up.

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I should be a bit more specific because I agree when I pull of a toe-drag in the middle of the ice/rink, i just do it...however, when I perform a toe-drag for the purpose of shooting immediately after, I find that all my weight is on my off-shooting foot and it seems to mess my snap shot up.

When I drag the puck with the intention of shooting right after, i put all my weight on my 'shooting' foot, and then shift my weight back to the other leg so i can shoot off my back foot, i find it helps throw people off a bit. I dont think there's a specific answer to your question, it really comes down to what kind of situation youre in, and what you feel most comfortable doing.

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I should be a bit more specific because I agree when I pull of a toe-drag in the middle of the ice/rink, i just do it...however, when I perform a toe-drag for the purpose of shooting immediately after, I find that all my weight is on my off-shooting foot and it seems to mess my snap shot up.

When I drag the puck with the intention of shooting right after, i put all my weight on my 'shooting' foot, and then shift my weight back to the other leg so i can shoot off my back foot, i find it helps throw people off a bit. I dont think there's a specific answer to your question, it really comes down to what kind of situation youre in, and what you feel most comfortable doing.

I agree, depends on the situation.

I find that when I intend to shoot right off the drag, say I'm breaking in at the top or the circle or something, If I keep all my weight on my shooting foot ( I'm a lefty, so my left foot ) helps me to get off a very quick shot. Where if I'm stick-handling in and out of traffic, it's usually better to keep my weight on my off foot.

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