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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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World Juniors

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Is anyone going to the World Juniors this year? Either in Vancouver, Kelowna or Kamloops?

just curious how many MSH users I could end up seeing there?

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My fondest memory of the world juniors would have to be when they came to Halifax, i saw every game. The best was by far the Gold Medal, when me and my dad were sitting in our seats about 30 mins before WARMUP! You could not hear yourself speak, it was SO LOUD, as soon as Canada steped foot on the ice it was an UPROAR, wow is all i can say.

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Yeah this will be a first for me. I only get to see Canada play in an exhibtion game against Chechz Republic but still, hopefully a great memory.

I get to see all of the European side games.

When will Team Canada's Roster be released?

I'm excited to see Angelo Esposito and Latendresse play.

"God I wish I could but the plane ticket alone would break me <_< "

Lucky for me I'm about a 45 minute drive from Kelowna B)

100th POST :lol:

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I wish I was going as I'm only about 45 mins from the garage ( GM place) but since I'm a kid I couldn't really get tickets or anything. I'm very jealous of my friend who is a "very very casual fan" to be nice and gets to go to the Canada vs. USA game

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I wish I was going as I'm only about 45 mins from the garage ( GM place) but since I'm a kid I couldn't really get tickets or anything. I'm very jealous of my friend who is a "very very casual fan" to be nice and gets to go to the Canada vs. USA game

I'm a kid too :P But these tickets were my dad's B-day present so I guess I scored big time here!

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