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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Another hollow question

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Last year was my first year on skates in 13 years. I'm 6'4" 175 and used a 1/2" hollow last year. No problems at all, and got back into the swing of things pretty quickly. This year I decided to go a little shallower, and wanted 9/16, but of course they put a 5/8 on it anyway :rolleyes: So I've tried the 5/8 for 2 weeks, and haven't had any problems losing an edge, even at higher speeds. My problem is a slight case of "the wobbles" and I'm not sure if it's solely related to the hollow, my ankles, or a combination of both. I also feel a tad bit off-balance when shifting forwards to backwards (or the opposite) in mid stride.

Any suggestions? Thanks!

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Thanks JR. Kind of hard to eyeball such things. I'll take them somewhere else next time I get them sharpened to see if it makes any difference. Either that, or ask the manager of the rink to sharpen them.

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Thanks JR. Kind of hard to eyeball such things. I'll take them somewhere else next time I get them sharpened to see if it makes any difference. Either that, or ask the manager of the rink to sharpen them.

Place a credit card on top of the blade and see if it's leaning. If it's leaning low on the inside edge on one skate and low to the outside edge on the other, then it's definately the sharpener. It also could be the hollow is not consistent down the entire length of the skate, also poor technique. So, instead of asking the manager to sharpen your skates, ask him to hire competent sharpeners. :o

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