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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Litefit Skates

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Hey guys, I'm looking to buy new skates, and I've narrowed my choices somewhat, but the Missions are sort of a wildcard. I don't know anyone who has used them, so I thought would ask the boards opinion.

1. How do they fit? What are they like compared to Vectors and Vapors.

2. Stiffness? I use Vapors right now, how will the Litefits' compare?

3. Blade Radius, is it closer to CCM or Bauer?

Any info you guys could give me would be a big help. Thanks in advance.

PS I did a search and couldn't find any topics on this. If I missed one, please accept my apology.

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It's a traditional fit skate, I think tacks are close to them.

Very stiff I would imagine, as the Supple-Fit skates are the comfort/movement ones..

I believe that Mission uses and 11-ft radii on the blades, whereas CCM uses a 10-ft, and Bauer a 9ft.

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Hey guys, I'm looking to buy new skates, and I've narrowed my choices somewhat, but the Missions are sort of a wildcard. I don't know anyone who has used them, so I thought would ask the boards opinion.

1. How do they fit? What are they like compared to Vectors and Vapors.

2. Stiffness? I use Vapors right now, how will the Litefits' compare?

3. Blade Radius, is it closer to CCM or Bauer?

Any info you guys could give me would be a big help. Thanks in advance.

PS I did a search and couldn't find any topics on this. If I missed one, please accept my apology.

1. Similar to Vapor but a little wider in the forefoot

2. Again, most similar to Vapors

3. Longer than CCM and CCM is longer than Bauer

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