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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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xxx lite vs Stealth grip

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Im not shure if i should wait for the lite or just get a stealth..the durablity of peoples stealths on my team is amazing soo i was considering them..but the lite will have better feel and the lower flex?

Has anyone tried the 77 flex and is the kovalchuck avaiable in the lite?

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Probably cuz you guys are still youngins. I really feel height/weight have alot to do with stick durability. Plus, a kid that's 5'5 and 125lbs isn't gonna put the same kinda stress on a stick as a 6'2 220lb person.

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Of the 8 stealths on my team (age 15) 1 broke becuase it got steped on

I really think it's the luck of the draw with the stealths one of my friends bought one and snapped it in 2 of a shot so he took it back and got a new one and has had it for over a year now and it still has some life in it.

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i don't now with the xxx lite but the xxx durability was bad , very very bad !

I disagree, I've had my xxx since june with minimum 2 games/practices a week.

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#96 Posted on Dec 10 2005, 01:13 PM

Probably cuz you guys are still youngins. I really feel height/weight have alot to do with stick durability. Plus, a kid that's 5'5 and 125lbs isn't gonna put the same kinda stress on a stick as a 6'2 220lb person.

One kid who is 15 is 6'4 200 and hes had his stealth since june..im 6'4 175 and iv been through 15 ops..13 shafts and countless woodies since june which is becuase im a power forward style player..all my sticks break at the blade/lower shaft

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Not always true about the hight/weight thing. The biggest guy on my team (also a football linebacker) uses wood sticks and rarely breaks them, rarely as in like 2 or 3 a season. It all depends on your technique and what style of game you play. Actually I find Stealths aren't that bad shaft wise for duribility, it's the blades that are horrible; apparently Easton fixed that with the CNT blades for '06.

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I have been using a Vapor XXX Lite for about 5 weeks now (on the ice 2-4 times a week) and it has held up pretty well. It seems durable and it is very well balanced. It weighs 420 grams but feels similar to the stealth in weight because its good balance. The blade is very stiff yet has great feel. Recieveing hard passes is really easy. The XXX Lite is a true one pice so it has a very low kick point and a quick release. It has the same grip coating that the regular XXX has. The only thing that I dislike about the stick is that Bauer used stickers on it instead of paint, and the sticks are starting to peel after a month of use. That really isn't a big deal though because I bought this stick for its performance and not looks.

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i don't now with the xxx lite but the xxx durability was bad , very very bad !

I disagree, I've had my xxx since june with minimum 2 games/practices a week.

i broke my first xxx after 2 weeks --> got a new from the warranty broke it after 1-2 weeks --> i got tired of the "chine" quality and bought a montreal nitro

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Seems like everybody on this board knows someone who broke the newest/best/most expensive stick after only a couple shots or has gone through insane amounts of sticks in a few short months.

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Does the XXX Lite feel as sturdy as the XXX or is it geared more towards performance like the Stealth?

The XXX Lite seems similar to the xxx in durability.

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Seems like everybody on this board knows someone who broke the newest/best/most expensive stick after only a couple shots or has gone through insane amounts of sticks in a few short months.

I use 3 or 4 sticks in rotation with one main stick and usually only wear that out in the season while the rest are carried over to the next season. I still have a True 1 from the end of the season before last but my SL Grip broke in 3 weeks and my C8 XN10 in 3 days, I play in one league less than last year as well.

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Im 15 years old.. 168 pounds.. i went through 2 vapor xxx's in 2 months.. both over the limit.. i break wood sticks just abotu every 5th ice time.. depends on how you play.. not how much you weigh

....btw i used 102 flex vapor xxx's

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i think durabilty is differnt with everybody, some people wont brak sticks though matter how heavy or light they are, just styles of play.

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One kid who is 15 is 6'4 200 and hes had his stealth since june..im 6'4 175 and iv been through 15 ops..13 shafts and countless woodies since june which is becuase im a power forward style player..all my sticks break at the blade/lower shaft

what the HECK? my teams are all 15 and we only have like 2 guys at 6'2, and most are around 5'10-6'00...... where do you live? canada? thats ridiculous.... plust only 175 and 200 for 6'4????? thats insanely skinny.... im 5'11 187 and im not even fat.

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im 15 ,185 and ive had two xxx's ,first one i had for 6 months and it broke when i was running out of a dressing room late for a practise and it went through the door sideways..... second one i still have.

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