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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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how many times a week do you go skating/play ice h

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Practice Every Tuesday,Thursday,Friday,and Sunday.Most of the time the dyas are mixed around though,but those are the normal days.

Games on Tuesday,Thursday,Friday.Again it mixes around.

Then gym every wednesday,friday.

Plus pond hockey whenever I have time.We usually play untill like 12:30am EST on saturday nights.

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up to 6-12 times a week with high school and my team. + the gym once a week.

wat time is your pracice because mine is at 9pm till 11pm and only train once a week. And can you people in america play ice hockey for your PE/sport lesson?

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i train average 4 sessions a week, and usually 1-2 games at the weekends, mind you that is playing for 3 different age groups :-)

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up to 6-12 times a week with high school and my team. + the gym once a week.

wat time is your pracice because mine is at 9pm till 11pm and only train once a week. And can you people in america play ice hockey for your PE/sport lesson?

I wish I could play ice hockey for gym/PE, would definately beat playing basketball and flag football...

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