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In The Market For New Hockey Skates

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I know there have been some posts on this topic, but none of the posts have really addressed the question that I plan to ask. I'm in the market for new skates, my last pair of hockey skates were the Nike Ignite 4 Hockey Skates. I think they are about seven-eight years old now. Anyways, I was wondering what skate would be a good skate to purchase that would fit similarly to my previous skates. I've been reading about the Bauer Supreme 8090's on this board and it appears everyone is giving it rave reviews. So I'm curious as to what kind of fit is the Bauer Supreme 8090? What type of foot is this skate best for? Is it for narrow feet or wide feet, etc.? Any responses would be great. Thanks.

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In the past, the Bauer Supreme's (6000, 7000, 8000, etc) have been very narrow. Bauer opened the scope of it's skate line by offering the 90 series. Essentially, any skate that ends in a 90 (i.e., 2090, 5090, 8090) have a more CCM Tack type fit where by the forefoot/toe box is wider. To give an example, if I'm a 9d in my 1152 Tack, I'd be a 9d in a Bauer 8090 and the fit should be similar (or so the rule of thumb goes).

The 8090 is just as light as the Vapor XX and is (rep has it) far, far more durable. In fact, some of the research/tech put into the 8090 went into the new XXX line from what I understand. For the $229 on the net that you can find the 8090 for these days (on a few places on the net), it'd be a great snag. The skates will last a while (I just bought a new pair of skates myself, and yet, am still tempted, and in fact, will likely buy a pair of these as well). The weight, performance, and durability of the skate is hard to pass up.

But, bear in mind, I'm not a hockey expert - I just play one on the net.

REGARDLESS, THE MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION IS.... is it the right fit for your feet?

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Wow those are some old school Nike's. I remember when they first came out I got one of those god ugly pair of Zoom Air's.....I kindof look at them in the same way kids of the 80's look at hair of the time :)

Anyhoo...I found they fit pretty similarly to Bauer's Supreme 2000 or 3000 at the time. I dont think they really strayed far from the Bauer fit, and I understand Bauer pretty much designed and manufactured the skate 100%. You'd probably find that the standard Supreme line (6000, 8000..etc) would fit closest to those skates.

They'll be a hell of a lot lighter than those old clodhoppers too ;)

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actually a bauer 7000 or 8000 would fit closest to a ignite boot just because the 6000 boot is actually wider and deeper for some reason. If you compare the heel sizes in a d with 6000 and a d width 8000 there will not be that same of a fit

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Just a quick question...

I wanted to pick up a pair of 8.5EE 8090, but i could get a pair of Supreme 6000 with Lightspeeds in 9.5EE and the guy said that they would fit the same, but im damn sure its not like that. If the 8090 were cheaper i'd go and buy them and all stupid questions werent necessary..

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Thanks for the replies. I went over to National Sports today and tried the Bauer Supreme 8090s and they didn't have my size, but I tried on a pair that is one size bigger, but in general the fit wasn't there. The Bauer's didn't have the ankle support and perhaps their D width is too wide for my feet.

The sales rep. said that the Bauer Supreme 8090s do not offer an arch in the footbed and is generally for people with flatter feet. I was wondering if this is true? If so, would the Nike Flexlite's offer a slightly higher arch?

Also, do any of you have any idea as to what skate has narrow ankle support, a slightly wider mid area?

By the way, my Nike Ignite 4's are definitely older skates, but they are still in solid shape. I don't really notice the weight since I haven't had a lighter skate before, so if I do manage to find the right boot, it should be heaven when I play.

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When I tried on 8090s the arch seemed high.My foot was like a see-saw on them,meaning it kept balancing back and forth,seems weird I know.

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Just a quick question...

I wanted to pick up a pair of 8.5EE 8090, but i could get a pair of Supreme 6000 with Lightspeeds in 9.5EE and the guy said that they would fit the same, but im damn sure its not like that. If the 8090 were cheaper i'd go and buy them and all stupid questions werent necessary..

I'd say no they will not fit the same.

I had a pair of 9D 6000's that were too big for me. 8.5D 8090's fit me perfectly.

9.5D 6000's would be way too big for me.

I think it is safe to make the assumption that 9.5EE 6000 does not equal 8.5EE 8090.

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Just a quick question...

I wanted to pick up a pair of 8.5EE 8090, but i could get a pair of Supreme 6000 with Lightspeeds in 9.5EE and the guy said that they would fit the same, but im damn sure its not like that. If the 8090 were cheaper i'd go and buy them and all stupid questions werent necessary..

I'd say no they will not fit the same.

I had a pair of 9D 6000's that were too big for me. 8.5D 8090's fit me perfectly.

9.5D 6000's would be way too big for me.

I think it is safe to make the assumption that 9.5EE 6000 does not equal 8.5EE 8090.

They are absolutely without question different fitting skates (by design).

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Thanks for the replies. I went over to National Sports today and tried the Bauer Supreme 8090s and they didn't have my size, but I tried on a pair that is one size bigger, but in general the fit wasn't there. The Bauer's didn't have the ankle support and perhaps their D width is too wide for my feet.

The sales rep. said that the Bauer Supreme 8090s do not offer an arch in the footbed and is generally for people with flatter feet. I was wondering if this is true? If so, would the Nike Flexlite's offer a slightly higher arch?

Also, do any of you have any idea as to what skate has narrow ankle support, a slightly wider mid area?

By the way, my Nike Ignite 4's are definitely older skates, but they are still in solid shape. I don't really notice the weight since I haven't had a lighter skate before, so if I do manage to find the right boot, it should be heaven when I play.

if the 8090's don't have enough ankle support for you, i think you may need to do some ankle strenghtening exercises :ph34r:

i think it's more a matter of them just being too wide for you. also, did the 8090's seem like they didn't have enough arch support? you don't need someone to tell you how a pair of skates fit.

Dez, imo they're "high" arch skates, they're significantly higher than the old mission amps that i had

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if the 8090's don't have enough ankle support for you, i think you may need to do some ankle strenghtening exercises :ph34r:

i think it's more a matter of them just being too wide for you. also, did the 8090's seem like they didn't have enough arch support? you don't need someone to tell you how a pair of skates fit.

Ankle strengthening? I don't know about that, my ankles are perfectly fine. I think you misinterpreted what I meant by ankle support. When I use the term ankle support, I mean that my ankles aren't locked into the back of the skate. For example: I wore a size 12 Nike Ignite 4 Hockey Skate, which was and is two sizes bigger than what my skate size should be. (Don't ask me how I ended up buying skates that were two sizes bigger), but anyways, regardless of the size of my skate, those skates allowed my ankles to lock into the back, hence even though the skates were too big, my foot was locked into place.

The reason why I'm asking these questions is simply this, when I bought my Ignite's, I tried on the wider and the narrower skate, I remember purchasing the more narrower skate, the box in which my skates came in states under width 2E. So I'm kind of confused whether my feet are a D width or a EE width.

As for the arch on the Bauer Supreme 8090's, I didn't really notice it, it just didn't feel snuggly after I laced them up, perhaps it was because the skate was one size bigger, but the way I see it is if I can skate with a skate that is two sizes bigger and have it feel pretty decent with my ankles locking into the back of the skate, I should be able to tell that the Bauer Supreme 8090's may not be the right skate.

The weird thing is this, I went to a Sport Chek and a National Sports, both sales representatives told me that the skates should fit fine on my feet after measuring my feet and what not. Now either they do not know what they are talking about or I simply do not know what it feels like to have a proper fitting skate. Perhaps it's a combination of both? <_<

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I don't know about National Sports cause we don't have it in Vancouver, but for SportChek, you can pretty much ignore their hockey sales people (sorry about that if one of you are!)

Their product knowledge is just.....you know what. I truely believe I know more than they did, even though I'm just a normal user.

At one time, one of the staff told me Bauer skates fit wider than CCM skates. :o

Also, they tend to ignore your needs/request for a E width skate even if u got a duck feet cause they simply don't carry many E width stock.

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So, you are basing your judgement of how a skate fits you after trying one on that was a full size too big...and the reason you think that is valid is because you used to skate in skates that were 2 full sizes too big...

My head is throbbing just trying to make that sound logical...

I have no idea why your old skates "fit" but let me just through this thought out there for you. If a skate is too long, then every contour of that skate is going to be out of place in relation to your foot.

Try on a pair that fits.

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I have no idea why your old skates "fit" but let me just through this thought out there for you. If a skate is too long, then every contour of that skate is going to be out of place in relation to your foot.

Just curious, but do you really believe that the width of a skate changes significantly just because it is one size bigger? I don't know too much about fitting, but I would think that the ankle area of a skate would fit similarly regardless of size, except between a junior and a senior size.

Though, I'll take your advice and I'll try to find another National Sports or a Sport Chek that has a size 10 skate when I'm done my exams.

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To some extent, yes I do think that the width changes some. Skates don't just get longer as sizes go up, the boot gets bigger in other areas as well. Even if the width differences between sizes are minimal, you could still expereince width issues if a skate is too long.

I'm not sure the best way to explain this but I'll give it a shot.

Take off your shoe and put it next to your foot. Look down at your foot. Notice how different parts of your foor are different widths. Now look at your shoe. Notice how the narrow parts of the shoe line up with the narrow parts of your foot? Now, find a shoe that is a couple sizes too small or too large. Place it next to your foot with your heels lined up. Now notice how the narrow areas are not lined up with your foot's narrow areas so well? The wide parts of the two different shoes may be within a 1/4" or less of each other, but the fact that they are out of position on your foot still means the 2nd shoe will fit poorly and the width will be all out of whack.

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