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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM to Mission Skate sizes.

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I currently have a pair of Vector Pro's in 9.5E that I like, but am looking into getting another pair sooner or later, maybe as a back-up, or something of the sort to sit in the back and wait.

Anyway, What size skate would I wear in a Bauer Supreme? Mission Supple-Fit skate (AG or S)?

Searched, but didn't help.


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When I bought my Pure Flys I was told that Mission sizing is done by shoe size. With that said, I wear an 11 shoe but wore a 10.5 Mission and it says shoe size 10 in my 8.5 8k's. I would try the skates in question on if at all possible if I were you.

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Ironically, I just had this question. I was in a 9d CCM 1152 (depending on who you ask, slightly different fit from a Vector, from what I understand). I just bought a pair of S500's in a 10ee and the footbed is exactly the same dimensions as my 9d 1152's.

Fit is kind of different as the Mission boot itself is slightly more favored to the toe than the CCM, and the arch feels a bit different (perhaps due to the natural pitch of the boot).

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