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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ST and SL

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The ST is more boxy. Just as posted, more similar to the 04 Synergy. The SL is thinner, and has more of a concave shape to its walls, like the Stealth.

This is how they shaved weight. By narrowing the shaft dimensions.

I have smaller hands, so the feel of the SL is nice. Grabbing the ST quickly you feel the bigger shape right away.

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I'm glad you mentioned that. I was thinking about getting one of the new red ST blades that are out. But now that you say the feel is like a cindeblock, I guess I'll stay with my Zcarbons.

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Yea, the blade's definitely a fair bit heavier, and its pretty big.

The only reason I switched to ST's is because I broke 2 SL's within 4 months. No bueno. The ST's been goin strong now for 6 months.

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Yeah. I picked one up the other day, just to get a quick feel, and I noticed a weight difference immediately. It did feel sturdy.

I'm gonna be buying a new one-peice soon. I didn't like my SL Grip at first, but after awhile it became my favorite stick. I was thinking about an ST but the weight and shape aren't to my liking. Durability isn't really an issue for or to me. I don't really beat up sticks, and if it breaks it breaks. If I wanted my equipment to be durable I'd play soccer or something where there is nothing to be worried about.

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people that tryed the z-carb(or synthesis) reg or sicore feel how is the feel compared to both the SL and ST.. I love my SL shaft with z-carb but maybe i should buy the OPS..

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