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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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XN10 Question

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Ok, so i go to my LHS today to look for a new stick. I was planning on getting a shaft, either 6k or synthesis, but there was an XN10 deal i couldnt pass up. I got a Pro-Stock XN10 P31 stick for $99.99 CDN. My question is, what is the flex on this stick as it doesnt say anywhere on it? Any help is appreciated!!

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I could be waaaay wrong on this but I think I remember someone saying that all of TPS´s OPS with the P patterns, like P19, P27, P31 etc. only come in stiff and regular. Can someone confirm?

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I could be waaaay wrong on this but I think I remember someone saying that all of TPS´s OPS with the P patterns, like P19, P27, P31 etc. only come in stiff and regular. Can someone confirm?

No they come in all the flexes.At least the older models did.

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I could be waaaay wrong on this but I think I remember someone saying that all of TPS´s OPS with the P patterns, like P19, P27, P31 etc. only come in stiff and regular. Can someone confirm?

No they come in all the flexes.At least the older models did.

I see.

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Ok, so i go to my LHS today to look for a new stick. I was planning on getting a shaft, either 6k or synthesis, but there was an XN10 deal i couldnt pass up. I got a Pro-Stock XN10 P31 stick for $99.99 CDN. My question is, what is the flex on this stick as it doesnt say anywhere on it? Any help is appreciated!!

Seems impossible to know without the coding. Usually looks something like S-1234 on the nameplate, but perhaps you already knew this. What store /city btw?

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im guessing leftovers from the national sports sale in toronto

mine is already just about broken. but it said P16 S on mine, so it was a stiff flex...

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Not sure to be honest, I'll try and get up there tomorrow to get a look see. All I was told is "The good blue TPS stick is on for $100". Also saw a Warrior and XXX lite on sale at the ACC today, but it was closed so I couldn't grab either of them :(

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Okay how would we know what the flex is? Does it have an W,SW,R,S,X or XX anywhere near the P31

Every one I've ever seen has had that printed on it.

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Sorry for the late reply, i was at school all morning :angry: . Thanks for the help, and I've come to the conclusion that it has to be X or XX because it feels like a easton 110 or stiffer, and there is definately a stamp on the name plate i just cant read it.

Yes I got the XN10 at Nation Sports in Scarborough for $100 Cdn. I didn't see any cheap Adrenalines so they must have all been gone.

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