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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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1 piece Vs 2 Piece Composite sticks

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The last month I have used several different composite sticks:(Stealth, SL, Z Bubble, Vapor XXX an XX and easton ultra lites). My question is , Does a one piece perform better than a 2 piece when you use a composite blade?? I can't tell I finally decided to stick with the Z bubble because of cost, I honestly did'nt feel no difference between the Z bubble and the stealth both 110 flex and forsberg/modano curve. The kickpoint felt the same. and with a 2 piece if the shaft breaks I just have to cover the cost of the shaft and vise versus. what do you guys think??

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i agree with you about the cost issuse. i too have switched from ops back to 2 piece. the cost is less and i have not noticed any difference.

btw i'm using an 1100 tapered with a comp blade.

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i agree with you about the cost issuse. i too have switched from ops back to 2 piece. the cost is less and i have not noticed any difference.

btw i'm using an 1100 tapered with a comp blade.

Purchased 6 Z bubble shafts and 6 Carbon Blades, Got one hell of a deal---for the price of 2 stealth's.

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with the bargins out on the market for ops I think that you can get a better performing stick without going broke. I think the ops do a better job of saving your elbows and shoulders.

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I too am going to switch back. Once I saw the synergy II tapered shafts I decided I was going to get a couple of those. Or I may stay with a vector v130 shaft cause I like the rounded edges, and the tackiness.

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i agree with you about the cost issuse. i too have switched from ops back to 2 piece. the cost is less and i have not noticed any difference.

btw i'm using an 1100 tapered with a comp blade.

I think tapered 2 piece is the best of both worlds.

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Jason has a good point on close-out OPS though. I mean you can get an XN10 or other TPS stick for about 50% less than just the R2 version, Mission M-1's can be had on close-out as well, Nike Appollo's are very cheap as well and some XX are starting to lower in price as well. I like swapping blades, but it seems the tapered market isn't advancing at the speed of the OPS market and a full stick is cheaper than its comparable shaft.

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I have also switched from using OPS to using two-piece tapered.

The costs for OPS is getting waaay too crazy.

And the fact, even though they've lasted a long time, I always end up breaking them.

With two-piece, I've never broke one. I always go through the blades with wear and tear but have never broken one.

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if I was gonna go 2 peice world i wouldnt save any more money then staying 1 peice..everyone says that 2 peice is was more cheeper..Zbubble shaft 180 + 100 z carbon blade= 280 before tax..sl's around here are 265 canadian..?

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I just bought a Response XN10, and I have a Response Pro shaft on the way (should be here today, I'll get it some time soon) with an R2 blade. I'll get to see which one is better for feel and what-not.

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I have used many different sticks in my life and I feel that when I used the Innovative Novius with a synthesis blade I had great feel and great control which I did not get with a stealth or and sl. Eventhough Stealths and SL's are great and I loved them it just wasnt the same.

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if I was gonna go 2 peice world i wouldnt save any more money then staying 1 peice..everyone says that 2 peice is was more cheeper..Zbubble shaft 180 + 100 z carbon blade= 280 before tax..sl's around here are 265 canadian..?

The savings you see is not on initial purchase, it is after breakage that you save.

If you break the blade on your SL, it costs you 265 canadian to get another SL.

If you break the shaft on your SL, it costs you 265 canadian to get another SL.

If you break the blade on your zbubble it costs you 100 canadian to get a new blade.

If you break the shaft on your zbubble it costs you 180 canadian to get a new shaft.

So, yes it may be cheaper to buy a OPS than a shaft/blade combo, but as soon as you break that first OPS, you are now you more money than if you had gone with a two piece.

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