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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Help my brother find skates!

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So on Saturday my brother and I went to try and find him some new skates. He has incredibly flat and wide feet, so his current CCM 492 tacks don't fit that well. We tried numerous skates, including

-Bauer Vapor VIII in EE

-Nike Quest V9's in EE

-Easton Ultralights in E

The problem is not so much in the width, as the EEs seemed to be wide enough, its that the arch built into each skate is too high for him. Does anyone have a remedy for this problem, or is there a particular skate that you can recommend? Thanks.

PS I searched for this topic and couldn't find anything. If I missed it, sorry.

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try the vector pro in EE, minimal arch and there on sale right now 279, i'd pick up a pair just to play outside at that price...

Also, nothing will fit right till he gets the heat molded

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yes, actually I wanna know which skates on the market has a lower arch too.

I'm wearing a Nike V, my right foot is OK but left foot is so painful because my left arch is lower than my right.

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i have low arches and i'd like to know as well. i wear Vector 5.0's and sometimes the sides of my arches hurt a bit when i lace them up tightly.

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Like four years ago, I bought a pair of mission roller blades and they were really hurting my feet. I wasn't sure what was wrong so I decided to put doctor scholls insoles instead of the superfeet or wtv they were called. Changed the arch completly in a good way.

I would take your own pair of insoles to your LHS and try the skates on again

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I'm thinking to get orthotics for myself. Any suggestions?

How are the Shock Doctor insoles? They're supposed to be excellent (but obviously not as good as custom orthotics).

as long as the arch of the skate does not fit with your arch, the orthotics won't work well, I guess. If the skates arch is high already, no orthotics can reduce the arch for your low arch foot.

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Just get the soles punched out

Yeah, I wonder whether punching can decrease the arch size in the skate. Anyone tried that???

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What insoles are in your current skate now? Are they like "superfeet" or are they plain flat insoles? In my case, my skates had an insole with a big arch suppoting lump and all i had to do was replace the insole with one that didnt have a big lump.

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have him find a boot that feels good in the width with minimal arch pain mainly in the bauers and when there heat molded have him just stand not walk, not wobble just stand. theres a bit of material on the arch area that will compress when he puts pressure on it

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