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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Is there a square toe blade similar to the

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I was just curious if anyone knew of a blade thats similar to the Jagr curve, but with a square toe, instead of the round.

I have a few wooden Jagr curves, and I like them, but would like to try a square toe also in a similar curve.


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I was just curious if anyone knew of a blade thats similar to the Jagr curve, but with a square toe, instead of the round.

I have a few wooden Jagr curves, and I like them, but would like to try a square toe also in a similar curve.


Depending on which version of the Jagr you have, might check out the Shanahan/Gagne/Bozek/Cole curve.

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If you are talking about the Jofa/CCM Jagr retail you might want to try an RBK Datsyuk or a CCM P39. They are basically deep mid-toe curves with square toe. Otherwise the patterns that Ogie suggests are close as well.

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