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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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heat molding with your oven

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I wanna heat mold my nikes but to do so id have to pay 50 bucks. the guy at my LHS was telling me how i could use my oven. He said to heat it up at 150 then turn it off for 8 minutes. then to put my skates in for 5 minutes then take them out and wear them for awhile. Is this i agood idea or a sure way to ruin my skates? If anyone has done this howd did it go?

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Preheat oven for 200 degrees/for 10 min. put in one skate at a time on a cookie sheet w/a damp dish towel. cookie sheet,then dish towel,then skate. Leave in the oven for 6-7 min. Good luck,this is the way I did it sucessfully.

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I wanna heat mold my nikes but to do so id have to pay 50 bucks. the guy at my LHS was telling me how i could use my oven. He said to heat it up at 150 then turn it off for 8 minutes. then to put my skates in for 5 minutes then take them out and wear them for awhile. Is this i agood idea or a sure way to ruin my skates? If anyone has done this howd did it go?


Follow these instructions....did it with my Bauer 8000's and worked well.

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I've got a convection oven, and pre heated it to 185 for 10 minutes, then put both skates in for 7 minutes. I had them standing upright. I flipped them around midway through to get the heat distribution as even as possible. Been skating on these skates for over a year with no ill effects.

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$50.00 seems very high. My LHS did it for free -- but I am in there all of the time to have my skates sharpened. Maybe you need to spend more time at your LHS and get to know some of the people. If you show some loyalty, they might cut you some slack. I bought my skates online, but am always in the LHS buying tape, pucks, etc. etc.

If you HAVE to do it at home…

I've read that you are not to walk around in them. Something about stressing parts of the skate that should not be stressed when heated. Also, be careful when you tighten your laces -- pull out, not up.

Do a google search on this. I was able to find quite a few different techniques. One thing is that each technique prescribes different temps and times.

Oh... I would also spend a few bucks ($5.00) on an oven thermometer. The last thing you would want is to over cook your skates.

Maybe if you call the manufacturer? I have not tried this, but they might be able to give you some suggestions.

(Wasn’t this topic discussed over here before?)

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run your microwave for 3 minutes then stick your skate in there for 2 with the door open, that should do it.... ;)

epucks has worked for me B4 on someone elses skates....

My LHS whom I know very well, baked my skates not purchased there for nothing... Buying my sons skates there a week prior and spending tons of $$$ 48 weeks a year there also helps...but they do charge you $40 with a sharpening if you didnt purchase there..

If you bake yourself, follow instructions to a T.

I also recommend a moist towel over the skate

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