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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Broken ST

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I just broke my ST tonight it sucks im looking at the hex-1 i can maybe get w/ x-mas money...does any1 kno how heavy it is?

430g around there

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I recently picked up a hex 1 grip and I must say that it feels a little bit heavier than my SL, but it feels extremely balanced. I like the stick alot, im sure you will as well. I cant compare it to an ST because I havent used an ST but I can compare it to the SL and I feel that the hex gives me a better shot, and a much quicker release. (it could be all in my head, but thats how I feel)

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nahh that messe's up the flex and the kick point i heard you can try to get it in regulary by just cutting the blade off n getting the opening ....then u sand the blade a bit n it should fit nice n good.....lol so what i hurd..?

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you think that would work better if i shaved down the inside of the shaft rather then the blade.......But wouldnt doing that also weaken the shaft at the bottom?

If you want to put a replacement blade in the bottom of the stick you will need a tapered blade. Cut off the old blade, then cut up towrds the top of the shaft until it is hollow. The it will fit a tapered blade. You could shave down the ST blade, but that will ruin it.

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I've heard the Hex 1 blades chip/chunk prematurely. Durability an issue.

But the shaft part I have heard nothing but good things. I loved my M1. Anything like that, and I'd be a happy man.

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nahh that messe's up the flex and the kick point i heard you can try to get it in regulary by just cutting the blade off n getting the opening ....then u sand the blade a bit n it should fit nice n good.....lol so what i hurd..?

hey guys, sorry to move away from the mission stick question a bit but im just about to put a blade in my broken red synery si-core grip and i was wondering which end to put the blade in. I havent done this before so i was just a bit confused and wanted to put the blade in the right way up just becuase it will still look nice with the decals facing the right way :P - lol thats just the way i am.

but...looks like i was going to have to flip it over and put it in the butt end side because of the taper and it looks like il have to cut alot of the shaft so there is no taper.

but does flipping it over really mess up the flex and kick point? would i be better off jus trying to sort out this taper problem or just go for flipping it over?

cheers guys..

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or u could shave down the inside of the shaft

You would be able to insert a blade by doing so, but I could guarantee you that it woulod break fairly soon after you did that.

Do you really want weaker shaft walls?

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but does flipping it over really mess up the flex and kick point? would i be better off jus trying to sort out this taper problem or just go for flipping it over?

Flipping a shaft and putting a blade in the butt-end puts the tapered end (kick point) in your hands. The shafts were designed to flex and kick towards the blade.

If you have to cut your shaft down, do it at the bottom until a tapered blade will fit.

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Sry For posting twice but i found this info on another site it might be usefull to others

I see that alot of people do not know how to replace the blade on a one piece stick. The easiest and safest, but most time consuming method is to cut the blade off depending on what kind of blade you're putting in. If you're putting in a standard non tapered blade, put the blade up against the shaft of the one piece. Mark a line at the bottom of the part of the blade that you insert.Cut the shaft there and then look at the part of the blade that you insert. If it will not fit, then simply grab a piece of sandpaper and even out the edges until it fits. The easiest way to do this is to get a drill bit that has a disc of sandpaper on it. It will make it easier but normal sandpaper works fine too. Typically, the higher performance stick you are trying to replace the blade of, the more sanding you will have to do. This is because the good sticks taper more towards the bottom and have a narrower opening. I broke my Tri-Flex gold's blade and after I cut the blade off, it was already wide enough to put in tapered blades. On my broken response plus, i had to sand PTC blades quite a bit. You may think tinkering and sanding a blade could be dangerous, but if you check to see if it will fit regularly as you are working on it, it is very easy to see when to stop sanding. Remember that when you heat the shaft to put blades in, it will expand, so just don't make your blade too thin, because then you will just have to use a ton of glue. I am not talking about making your blade insert things toothpicks, just sanding them enough to fit. I have done this to replace blades for my tri-flex gold, synergy si-core, synergy, rubber response, response plus, trilage tz4, and synergy sl. All the sticks work almost as well as when they were one piece and the blades are very solid. So if your stick's blade breaks after your measly 30 day warranty, don't throw it away, and certainly, whatever you do, don't turn it upside down to fit standard blades. If your stick is upside down, you get the highest possible kickpoint and you might as well be using a 2 by 4 with a blade on it. So just do a bit of tinkering to get the most out of one pieces with broken blades. I hope this post helps you and gets people that don't know how to replace the blades on one piece sticks to shut up.

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