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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Can you shorten a hosel?

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I have a standard hosel Innovative blade (old style, not the new checker pattern), it has a really long hosel! I was just wondering if anyone has had experience in shortening a hosel (cutting it)? I am thinking about just cutting with a hacksaw, but will I hit foam (inside the blades) or what? Any ideas?

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I have a standard hosel Innovative blade (old style, not the new checker pattern), it has a really long hosel! I was just wondering if anyone has had experience in shortening a hosel (cutting it)? I am thinking about just cutting with a hacksaw, but will I hit foam (inside the blades) or what? Any ideas?

I'm pretty sure you can do it....but I have no idea the effect it will have on performance....my guess....nothing too noticeable if any.

I HAVE shaved the sides of a regular hosel before to make it fit into a tapered shaft. I didn't run into any problems with cutting foam etc.

Good luck.

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are you talking about the part that goes in the shaft? (tendon)

if so you want to keep it atleast 2.5" long, too short and you put a lot of pressure on that small area, and could get a breakage...

if your talking about the hosel, the area from the heel to the shaft, i have done it on wood blades, just shave it down, no problem, never tried on composite...

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The tenon (the part of the blade that fits into the shaft can be shortened minimally but I'm not sure why you'd want to. The tenon is what applies the force from the blade across a larger portion of the shaft (the contact area).

If you want to turn a long hosel blade into a short hosel blade the down side would be that most tenons are reinforced so you would lose that reinforcement when you trimmed the new tenon.

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did it with a tps prostock wood blade. it broke after the 2nd ice time right at the tenon (or the tennon i made). had to use a screw to get it out of the shaft

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I've done it with an old Zcarbon blade. No big deal. I didn't notice any difference.

how about trimming of the hosel to fit regular blade into taper shaft/cut OPS?

I wanna put my z carbon blade into a cut synergy without flipping the stick, can I trim the z carbon?


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how about trimming of the hosel to fit regular blade into taper shaft/cut OPS?

I wanna put my z carbon blade into a cut synergy without flipping the stick, can I trim the z carbon?


According to the second post in the thread, yes. ;)

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