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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lace hurt at tongue !

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Hello guys!!!

Any experience with pain from the lace hurting through the tongue ?! I removed shinpads and still the same. It hurts so much that I can't lean forward. Yesterday I skiped last eyelet on my left skate, but skate went whobled.

Skates: Mission Pure lite ( 1.5years)

Help ASAP.

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I started to have the lacebite probelm only on my right skate a few weeks ago. No problems for the first month I use the skate, maybe the tongue soften up?!

anyway, I searched this forum and most solution is lace up one less eyelet or buy some foam type protector.

Before I go to put $20 something on a piece of foam, I try everything I can DIY.

Put in a form, put in a plastic .

Finally I found that a piece of those wrist slash guard worked for me. (mine is a bauer but I think eagles have that too)

I wrap it on the tongue, with the plastic guard side in front of the tongue. Your tongue may curl inward a bit, but don't worry, you need those space as a buffer to prevent your pain. Then u lace up and make sure the painful area is covered by the guard. (u may need a longer lace if ur existing is just long enough)

It looks bulky a bit but in my case it works. There is not much difference feeling at the ankle tightness between my righ & left skate.

Hope that help!!! BTW, stop skaing for a few day and let the pain go away first will help too (on top of adding the guard). :)

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i had that problem a while back and it got to the point where i would skip games cause i just didn't want to deal with the pain. like most people here have said you should put something in that area to help it out... either some foam or in my case buying some lace bite gel wraps. taking a full week or two off helps as well... just make sure you get some kinda of padding in there the next time you skate. trust me you don't want to make it any worse.

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