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Sidney gets the "A"

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Always been an Ovechkin fan, but I like Ovechkin better already because his team might suck and some of his teammates might be sub-par, but he just shuts up and plays. Doesn't cry after calls either.

McCabe- You know I am talking about Eddie Olczyk

And Chippa- Play 1000+ NHL games and score close to 800 pts combined with a Stanley Cup win, and maybe your words putting down Eddie Olczyk will hold some merit. Maybe coaching he didn't do much, although without the crap team he was handed by Mario and Pratrick he might have had a chance. But the point stands that he is an accomplished person and Crosby should have kept his mouth shut on the subject.

Maybe I'll send him some Gretzky and Sakic tapes for Christmas. He can learn from real leaders rather then the fraud that is teaching him now.

Man, this Ovechkin/Crosby thing is getting outta hand! As for Ovechkin, he doesn't whine I guess, but he sure knows how to endear himself to the league when his favourite player is himself. I dunno about you guys, but I can see that comment being misconstrued as "I'm better than anyone else in the game, everyone else sucks, and I am bigger than the game itself." Of course, it was still hilarious.

On that note, I didn't actually see the interview, nor any games, so I haven't a clue about how he reacts after bad calls or something...all I know of Ovechkin is his disgusting ability to take three defenders and plow thru them, rather than around them. That and his Kovalchuk-esque antics at the WJC, which, I think most people would frown upon. Good to see that he's maturing, somewhat...

Btw, what exactly did Sid say about Eddie? Was it actually an "insult," as many people have put it?

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Always been an Ovechkin fan, but I like Ovechkin better already because his team might suck and some of his teammates might be sub-par, but he just shuts up and plays. Doesn't cry after calls either.

McCabe- You know I am talking about Eddie Olczyk

And Chippa- Play 1000+ NHL games and score close to 800 pts combined with a Stanley Cup win, and maybe your words putting down Eddie Olczyk will hold some merit. Maybe coaching he didn't do much, although without the crap team he was handed by Mario and Pratrick he might have had a chance. But the point stands that he is an accomplished person and Crosby should have kept his mouth shut on the subject.

Maybe I'll send him some Gretzky and Sakic tapes for Christmas. He can learn from real leaders rather then the fraud that is teaching him now.

Handed a crap team? That is complete bs and you know it. Before the season started, everyone, and I mean everyone, thought the Pens had a team that could make the playoffs. They had Lemieux, Crosby, Palffy, Leclair, Recchi, Gonchar, Malone, and such. Everyone expected them to score goals by the handful with the concern that they would have to outscore their opponents on occassion because the defense was going to be so-so, but Odelein was supposed to balance some of that out.

As for putting down Olczyk, show me one person that thought he should have been coach to begin with, let alone a good coach at all and I'll be shocked. He had zero experience and it showed. The team lacked direction, most nights they showed barely any determination and it was the veterans that were bringing them down. Perhaps they had tuned out the rookie coach with zero experience.

And as for putting down Olczyk, in general. If having the 1,000+ NHL games was the criteria then there wouldn't be a reason for an NHL forum on this message board.

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PJ Stock has an interesting take on this as well. Sounds like he has a bit of an axe to grind but some interesting insights as well.


I used to love Stock's column on the B's website while he was there. He'd toss some good stuff into it. This thing on Therien sounds like Stock is seriously pissed about something from days gone by.

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