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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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russian climbing

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If I was younger I'd give Free Running a try!

Notorious, the song is called "Clubbed to Death" [Kurayamino Mix] by Rob D.

Its on the soundtrack from the first Matrix movie.

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i wouldn't want to be a cop tryin' to run them down....

yeah i was thinking about that earlier. i would break my ankles if i tried any of that stuff though....or my skull :)

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Oh yeah, that was the rage in the 70's -- all the kids did it. But once you had done it 15-20 times, it just became kinda boring.


Wow, let alone the kid's courage, he obviously has incredible strength and stamina.

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If I was younger I'd give Free Running a try!

Is that what they're calling it? Free running? Somehow I just don't see a future in the sport...it's pretty impressive, but I just don't see Adidas and Nike lining up to sponsor these guys. I think these guys will have to buy their running shoes for the forseeable future. :lol:

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