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Slovakia World Junior Team

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guys, thanks for the insight. My organization has alot of politics and becuase of some people knowsing the coaches well they got moved up and so on and I ended up on the B team. Should I wait till next year to e-mail the coaching staff or do it as soon as possible?

Check your inbox. If you're on the B team and weren't clear cut enough that you had to be AAA no matter who people knew, you're not ready for Shattuck. If you were playing AAA and weren't a standout player, you aren't ready for Shattuck.

The problem with going to Shattuck if you have the grades and money is that yes, you can play on one of their 7 hockey teams, but other than AAA and Prep, the other teams are just fillers to make up for the dozens of kids who don't make the top teams. You might be able to move up, but the problem is that Shattuck constantly recruits for those teams. If 6 kids leave the AAA team, they plan on getting 6 blue chippers to replace them.

And to whoever mentioned the NJ Rockets before - I was not saying that you would move up straight out of the organization (although many kids have done it). The thing they do offer is a hired professional coaching staff that teaches the game and skills that you need to play at the next level. A lot of travel organizations just have 3 kids' dads who read a few books about hockey and played some men's league trying to teach a game they barely know. That is the difference between the average teams and teams like the Rockets and the Mercer Chiefs. 4 kids in last year's USHL draft means they're doing something right. Take one look at the alumni lists from those two teams and another in the state of NJ like say the Medford Jaguars or the Bridgewater Bears and the difference is obvious.

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Im only in 8th grade so I have a nother 1 or 2 years to get my game to the highest potential it can be. My cach is an idiot this year but my other coach was a highschool coach and is VERY good. Should I just keep skating and working on my stick hadling on my lake now since it's frozen and also get free ice at arenas? I never said was at the level to go straight to st.mary's. It's my goal to get to. Is there anyother prep school that has recruiting liek that, would they have kids go to the NHL from there? I want to go to coolege after hs. So i dont want nhl scouts(would be nice but not my desired), i would liek the college scouts.

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Taking a look at all of your other options is good too Langer. If you are really serious about going to school for hockey, look at a bunch of D-1 schools. You don't want to get stuck at a school with great hockey and a 900 SAT score.

Edit: Theres tons of schools like Shattuck, actually better when you look at everything added together (academics, exposure, facilities, faculty, athletics):

St. Paul's







Avon (legit hockey but not so much as the other schools for academics

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sherood, i know what your sayin and I agree. St. Mary's is amaazing in hockey and also is pretty hard to get into just for grades too. Are there any other school that you guys would recommend for me that has great academics and also great hockey/swimming?

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Any Prep School is gonna be BIG BUCKS. Your parents are gonna have to foot the bill. Some, if not all, Preps cost as much and sometimes more than some colleges. I don't know the tuition for Shattuck, but schools like Avon and Exeter have to be nearing $30,000 when tuition and living expenses are factored in. Langer, if you think your parents can pull that kinda deal, then good luck to you.

The only other way to get into a Prep is to get in on scholarship. Judging by your typing, I think it's safe to say you won't make there on a scholastic deal. Another scholarship is athletic. But again, they don't just hand those out. Kids are recruited from young ages to get scholarships like that. Think of figure skaters or tennis players that are like 6, and get put into "Academies". In the case of Crosby, he was being looked at from a young age. So the odds of you getting looked at now, in 8th grade, with only a year to go till HS starts...well you better start doing some serious training.

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Being from a prep school the only advice i can give is that there are many schools that can get you to the college level, either d3 or d1. The schools everyone keeps listing are also surrounded by politics as is every school and team. Plus these are schools that if they don't recruit you it's almost impossible to make the team. There's d2 prep teams that have had kids go to d1 schools. Out of prep school most colleges will want you to play atleast a year in the ejhl. something like 75% of hockey east played in the ejhl. I will tell you that the younger you go to prep school the better, the coaches like having 1 or 2 freshman on the team.

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Any Prep School is gonna be BIG BUCKS. Your parents are gonna have to foot the bill. Some, if not all, Preps cost as much and sometimes more than some colleges. I don't know the tuition for Shattuck, but schools like Avon and Exeter have to be nearing $30,000 when tuition and living expenses are factored in. Langer, if you think your parents can pull that kinda deal, then good luck to you.

The only other way to get into a Prep is to get in on scholarship. Judging by your typing, I think it's safe to say you won't make there on a scholastic deal. Another scholarship is athletic. But again, they don't just hand those out. Kids are recruited from young ages to get scholarships like that. Think of figure skaters or tennis players that are like 6, and get put into "Academies". In the case of Crosby, he was being looked at from a young age. So the odds of you getting looked at now, in 8th grade, with only a year to go till HS starts...well you better start doing some serious training.

Im actually pretty intelligante. I have high B's and im an excellent writer. Just don't use the skills on the computer. Plus i already go to a private school so the schooling is harder than public and some other private schols. They work us the hardest here and we do college reports and year long science projects

You said that crosby was looked at a young age. Name one kid from NJ that went far. I don't even think theres 10. No scouts would come to NJ even to take a look since we have to reputation to produce at ''great'' players.

#96, I am wanting to get into SERIOUS training. Im already working out about 3 times a week. I don't suposse you know of any great camps which some scouts go to. I know there are some but it is an invite only and only select from say canada or the western states. I know the best ive been to was Pro Ambitions up in Boston, Mass. I liked it alot. Have any others that are even say 3 weeks and in Canada or even any where in the world.

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"Im actually pretty intelligante"

Intelligent...? Oh, the irony.

Ok, here's the deal with Shattuck. Easily the best player in Southeast Wisconsin who plays on my team, attended SMS as a Freshman and Sophomore. He was the most highly touted player in the state as an eighth-grader and led his team to the national championships as a Bantam AAA, but only made it to the 3rd or 2nd Team at Shattuck. When he came back he alluded to being in biology classes with the likes of Sidney Crosby and other wicked-good hockey prodigies now playing at top DI schools. He said academics are a joke (he's a great student with ridiculous standardized test scores) and the competition to make the prep team is unheard of. He has since been one of the best high school hockey players in Wisconsin and received DI looks and numerous juniors offers (USHL or NAHL), since SMS. in other words, SMS isn't always the best for student-athletes. A Hotchkiss or Choate would be much more valuable...

On another note, Sid the Kid supposedly took 2+ years to pass French 2 (low-intermediate)...YIKES

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"Im actually pretty intelligante"

Intelligent...? Oh, the irony.

As I said, I just don't use any grammer on the computer. DOn't ask me why because I don't know. Maybe because I don't care since we are talking about hockey.....

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Ok, here's the deal with Shattuck. Easily the best player in Southeast Wisconsin who plays on my team, attended SMS as a Freshman and Sophomore. He was the most highly touted player in the state as an eighth-grader and led his team to the national championships as a Bantam AAA, but only made it to the 3rd or 2nd Team at Shattuck. When he came back he alluded to being in biology classes with the likes of Sidney Crosby and other wicked-good hockey prodigies now playing at top DI schools. He said academics are a joke (he's a great student with ridiculous standardized test scores) and the competition to make the prep team is unheard of. He has since been one of the best high school hockey players in Wisconsin and received DI looks and numerous juniors offers (USHL or NAHL), since SMS. in other words, SMS isn't always the best for student-athletes. A Hotchkiss or Choate would be much more valuable...

On another note, Sid the Kid supposedly took 2+ years to pass French 2 (low-intermediate)...YIKES

Well atleast after SMS he is getting looks and then can get into the NHL from there. He can get a hockey scholarship or even a walk on onto a college team. I would love to go to Cornell or BU or BC.

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Any Prep School is gonna be BIG BUCKS. Your parents are gonna have to foot the bill. Some, if not all, Preps cost as much and sometimes more than some colleges. I don't know the tuition for Shattuck, but schools like Avon and Exeter have to be nearing $30,000 when tuition and living expenses are factored in. Langer, if you think your parents can pull that kinda deal, then good luck to you.

The only other way to get into a Prep is to get in on scholarship. Judging by your typing, I think it's safe to say you won't make there on a scholastic deal. Another scholarship is athletic. But again, they don't just hand those out. Kids are recruited from young ages to get scholarships like that. Think of figure skaters or tennis players that are like 6, and get put into "Academies". In the case of Crosby, he was being looked at from a young age. So the odds of you getting looked at now, in 8th grade, with only a year to go till HS starts...well you better start doing some serious training.

Im actually pretty intelligante. I have high B's and im an excellent writer. Just don't use the skills on the computer. Plus i already go to a private school so the schooling is harder than public and some other private schols. They work us the hardest here and we do college reports and year long science projects

You said that crosby was looked at a young age. Name one kid from NJ that went far. I don't even think theres 10. No scouts would come to NJ even to take a look since we have to reputation to produce at ''great'' players.

#96, I am wanting to get into SERIOUS training. Im already working out about 3 times a week. I don't suposse you know of any great camps which some scouts go to. I know there are some but it is an invite only and only select from say canada or the western states. I know the best ive been to was Pro Ambitions up in Boston, Mass. I liked it alot. Have any others that are even say 3 weeks and in Canada or even any where in the world.

IMHO, you need to get your foot in the door with one of the travel teams and get that on your hockey resume. Put a season in with one of them, and then that will help other teams recognize whatever talent you may have. I had 2 kids in my HS travel 1h15m to go play down at Wall cuz the team was better and it meant that much more to them to play on a better team and travel that far for practices. One of them went on to play at Sacred Heart, the other played at Niagara, then played for a Canadian Junior team.

Play outta South Mountain, Mennen, Ice House, Saints in Sport-a-Rama, even Rockets. But you gotta get on a team at that level.

What team do you play for now?

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I play for the clarkstown capitals Bantam team. I already have to go 45 min. to get to a practice and then up to 1 in a half hours for the way games. Our midgets team goes to states and wins all he big tournys. Not to mention that im a Defencman so i dont have to have the offensive skills and the scouting would be differnt right? The saints arnt that good, we play them and tie them. The best would be the Vipers but i think they went to an all tournament team. My next team would be the NJ avalnche but that would bea NJ team the compotition isnt that great. THe NY leagues are much harder. Our AA team is like there B or A team. I know a lot of people in hockey so it isnt like im un known. Ive had coaches from other teams come up to me and compliment me. Last year we played the Mass. team and beat them.

But is defence differnt to make on teams?

Any camps that are excellent you would reccomend?

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It depends what the coaches are looking for. Some coaches may be looking for defensive minded D, and some might need offensive minded D. I think what most coaches at your level are looking for is a competitive edge. Something that will make you stand out. They might overlook someone who scored 3 goals, and concentrate on the Dman that is playing smart, making great outlet passes, clearing the puck out clean, staying with his man.

As far as camps, I'm pretty sure most of the big hockey schools have really good camps in the summer (UMaine, Minn, WI, U of MI, MI State, etc). I would only use NJ camps as a brush up course, just to get out on the ice. Those school camps fill up quick though, so if you're really interested, get involved with selecting a camp ASAP.

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Have you ever thought about trying out for Hockey Night in Boston or Chicago Showcase. Once you get to the point in which you have a bit of a resume that would allow you to get the invite...they have applications for tryouts. It will seem hard to get looked at sometime because your in NJ...from what I hear it sounds a lot like Maine high school hockey. I was a goalie for one of the best travel teams in the state and I was on Team Maine in the New England Festival Tournament for three years, plus my sophomore and junior years in high school I was second team all state, and my senior year I was first team all state. The only looks I was able to get was from University of Southern Maine (D3), New England College (D3), and Castleton State (D3). I know that seems pretty good and I was kinda excited...but I wanted better. I have to admit that I didn't market myself as much as I should have and I didn't play prep hockey like I should have. The one thing I can offer you from my experience is to get on a good team with a good coach that will send out tapes for you and write letters for you. My coach didn't do jack shit for me and its hard to take someone seriously when scouting if you are getting tapes mailed to you by their mom or dad. Also, use each team you are with for a springboard into a slightly higher level. Like possibly go to a D2 prep school that plays a couple of D1 prep schools....it could get you looks.

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It depends what the coaches are looking for. Some coaches may be looking for defensive minded D, and some might need offensive minded D. I think what most coaches at your level are looking for is a competitive edge. Something that will make you stand out. They might overlook someone who scored 3 goals, and concentrate on the Dman that is playing smart, making great outlet passes, clearing the puck out clean, staying with his man.

As far as camps, I'm pretty sure most of the big hockey schools have really good camps in the summer (UMaine, Minn, WI, U of MI, MI State, etc). I would only use NJ camps as a brush up course, just to get out on the ice. Those school camps fill up quick though, so if you're really interested, get involved with selecting a camp ASAP.

What you said is basically what I am.I don't get alot of goals but i stop a lot. In the states I have blocked about 5 goals getting in right near the goal line with my face and body etc.

I really want to go to a Minn. camp or U of MI because I think hte competition out there is great. Would a canadian camp help me more or just stick with the states?

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Have you ever thought about trying out for Hockey Night in Boston or Chicago Showcase. Once you get to the point in which you have a bit of a resume that would allow you to get the invite...they have applications for tryouts. It will seem hard to get looked at sometime because your in NJ...from what I hear it sounds a lot like Maine high school hockey. I was a goalie for one of the best travel teams in the state and I was on Team Maine in the New England Festival Tournament for three years, plus my sophomore and junior years in high school I was second team all state, and my senior year I was first team all state. The only looks I was able to get was from University of Southern Maine (D3), New England College (D3), and Castleton State (D3). I know that seems pretty good and I was kinda excited...but I wanted better. I have to admit that I didn't market myself as much as I should have and I didn't play prep hockey like I should have. The one thing I can offer you from my experience is to get on a good team with a good coach that will send out tapes for you and write letters for you. My coach didn't do jack shit for me and its hard to take someone seriously when scouting if you are getting tapes mailed to you by their mom or dad. Also, use each team you are with for a springboard into a slightly higher level. Like possibly go to a D2 prep school that plays a couple of D1 prep schools....it could get you looks.

What hockey show cases are these? I've never even heard of them....... I do think I should go to more camps and represent my self a bit more....

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Langs,over half the people that go to SSM arent going to go far unless they are on the top teams.Unstead of playing on a lower team there,there are better choices as mentioned.If youre good you will get noticed,there are plenty of good teams in NJ. You have to look around for options they arent going to come to you. If you are willing to travel there are plenty of camps in the New England Area ,that will get you noticed.

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Langs,over half the people that go to SSM arent going to go anywhere in hockey.Most end up playing D3 and thats the end of their career. If youre good you will get noticed,there are plenty of good teams in NJ. You have to look around for options they arent going to come to you. If you are willing to travel there are plenty of camps in the New England Area ,that will get you noticed.

That's a pretty stupid thing to say when you consider the fact that they're essentially getting a free education and getting to play hockey (D3). I'd say that's going somewhere in hockey..

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Langs,over half the people that go to SSM arent going to go anywhere in hockey.Most end up playing D3 and thats the end of their career. If youre good you will get noticed,there are plenty of good teams in NJ.  You have to look around for options they arent going to come to you. If you are willing to travel there are plenty of camps in the New England Area ,that will get you noticed.

That's a pretty stupid thing to say when you consider the fact that they're essentially getting a free education and getting to play hockey (D3). I'd say that's going somewhere in hockey..

Your right it is going somewhere.Ill word it better.

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There arnt many ''great'' teams in NJ. The best would be the rockets or avalnche but there not any better then the team Im playing on right now. Even if i go to a d# school, if I imporove I can always get upgraded. SOme on mentioned these schools-

St. Paul's







I am going to look into them and get my coach or even one of the hs coaches to send a video and a recomondation to a school.

Someone metioned a video, what should I put on it............a game or some highlights....?

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I have played all almost all those teams and if you can't make your high school team now, you might wanna shoot a little lower. To get noticed most prep schools will give you some exposure. If you pick a good d2 team, and make it to new england championship tons of pro and college scouts are their. Josh robertson who plays at northeastern had 11 points in his three games at the championships and got a full ride. I'm not trying to break your spirit but this information was helpful to me.

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Your not bursting my buuble at all, your actually helping me a lot. Im not into the whole d3 and d2 or d1 school prep stuff. Can you please identity which would be which? Also, which teams would go to the new england championships???? And again what were the hockey night in boston or chicago showcases for? When are tryouts for that?

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