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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Slovakia World Junior Team

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there are three divisions for prep hockey in new england d1, d2, and independent. Thayer is independent along with belmont hill. d1 is avon,choate, andover,exeter, deerfield, and etc. prephockey.org has a list of all the prep teams, i would just start clicking on schools and see what you like . Proctor academy's coach has had three kids go d1 college in the last 4 years. Mike mullen went to amherst, ryan weston bu, josh robertson northeastern. Weston had to play in ejhl for two years though. Proctor is d2 and walsh won three d2 titles in a row.But research teams. I would go visit and watch a game to judge the talent level. good luck

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Coaches will generally always want to see a full game tape. You can send a highlight along with it, but I would always include a full game. Anybody can cut up 2 year's worth of video and make themselves look good. They want to see what you do in the corner, on the PK, when your team isn't beating a team by 10 goals, etc. It's much more than scoring pretty roller hockey goals. Especially if you're a defenseman.

And if you're going to go to camps like University of Michigan's or most big NCAA schools', treat it as a camp and learn what you can while you're there. But I wouldn't get your hopes up for being seen and offered a chance to play there, most University camps are nothing more than fundraisers for the hockey programs. It's a business, they teach hockey there, but don't expect to see Red Berenson looking for his next scholie player there.

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