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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hyperextended Knee

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So today, my knees failed me, again. 2nd knee injury this year, and 3rd in a year. As I took a faceoff, I won it, was skating back, and got the pass. I got hit, and fell really awkwardly, and felt my knee twist and pop really badly. I went to the locker room, iced it for 10-15 mins, and then tried to play another shift. It was noticeable I was in pain. The coaches said not to play the rest of the game. It hurts unbelievably bad right now. How long am I going to be out? I have no games for I think two weeks, just practice on Tuesdays. Thanks


Also, is it normal to have this bad of knees at the young age of 15?

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The only thing I can relate to and advise on is the POP of the knee.

When I was living back home, I surfed 4-5 times a week, and one time when I was out on a really heavy but shallow break working on a sandbar, I wiped out.

As I went through the cycle and got pushed under the water, my leg got caught in the sandbar, and the wave followed through, bending my knee east west about 90 degrees, when its only meant to move north-south.

To this day my kneecap will pop out of place, but not often, has only happened me once in the last year.

Its a tiny meniscus tear thats causing the knee to come loose in me. There is an audible hollow pop when it happens. It could be taken care of with keyhole surgery, they would cut out the dead muscle and attach the two ends together.

If its a popping sound and a popping feel (that doesn't quite feel like the joint being displace) you may want to get an MRI to see if its meniscus. I have not got mine repaired, and I have had to lay off physical activity for about 3 weeks at a time.

I am not sure if this sounds like your knee, if it does, then keyhole surgery should fix it for the long term.

As far as it being unusual to have knee problems at 15, it all depends on how you used them from 1 to 14 and if there is a history of brittle bones or degenerative muscle diseases in your family.

If you see your doc tonight, or whenever, just ask him is it possible that its a meniscus tear, and see what he says

Hope this helps

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just got back from the doctors. i got x rays, as i could have a possible chip/fracture on my ACL. not good, at all...im on crutches for the time being

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Not to be a jerk or anything, but ACL is a legament, and I dont think its possible to chip or fracture a legament. Tear, sprain, stretch etc yeah but I havn't heard of your case.

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Yeah I realized that today, and she was wrong. There really sin't anything that serious, but I did reinjure the patella. I can be skating again in a month to a month and a half. thank God

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depends on how long it takes for you to feel comfortable, i hyperextended my elbox in roller hockey and once i put a brace on it, i could play in a week or two without pain, just some discomfort. When I had reconstructive surgery (puck to the face) last spring, i was playing again a week and a half later, (face shield now)

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