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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hejduk & Morrison Blade

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Anyone know what blade are they using on their silver synthesis shaft?? The blade is in Black. are they wooden blade?

U can find Hejduk pics intodays NHL gallery.


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well its easton, i forgot to put that but pretty sure its pro only, maybe even not making them anymore, axed t-flex when synthesis came out, but you can sometimes find woodies and comps online, only LH, try cyclone taylor

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oh yes, I did grab some very cheap woodie T-flex from Cyclone. but don;t know they have comp. for pro.

BTW, is the woodie T-flex good? I still haven't tried them on.

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i broke my last one today which i think was the last rh t-flex on earth, i like them, nice tapered blade

I have a couple left with some life in them but I have a feeling they would snap if I used them.

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i was at like the top of the circle with two goals already, looking to go right under the bar :(

edit: im thinking about making standard blades tappered but i dont think the hossel can take it, anyone ever tried it?

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i was at like the top of the circle with two goals already, looking to go right under the bar :(

edit: im thinking about making standard blades tappered but i dont think the hossel can take it, anyone ever tried it?

i did it to a comp gear blade. worked fine for me.

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I bought a Hejduk Synthesis a couple weeks ago. It came with a T-Flex composite blade that has a sandpaper like texture.

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