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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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It's all about the Iginla curve

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I recently realised after 2 years that i just cant use sakic anymore, even though i have them in new blades lying around my house. I went back to iginla, love it, 5+3 in my first game, but i am getting sick of eastons unreliablilty, not to mention price, so what companies do exact clones of the iggy? the pattern db did'nt come up with anything, thanks

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oh really i never thought S-W had a iggy clone!

Also you can look at recchi!! but some say lindros(p88) too but i couldn't get used to my xv p-88... and i use iginla for 1 year now...

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oh really i never thought S-W had a iggy clone!

Also you can look at recchi!! but some say lindros(p88) too but i couldn't get used to my xv p-88... and i use iginla for 1 year now...

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Bauers St. Louis is the exact tames at the iginla.......not gonna lie the iginla is my favorite curve too. I went from a shanahan to the iggy and i will never go back.

The St. Louis is a bigger curve and a much higher lie. But other than that, the exact same.

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Bauers St. Louis is the exact tames at the iginla.......not gonna lie the iginla is my favorite curve too.  I went from a shanahan to the iggy and i will never go back.

The St. Louis is a bigger curve and a much higher lie. But other than that, the exact same.


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TPS Messier was an easy switch for me. I love the Iggy as well and would appreciate the curve on some more budget offerings from Easton

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The Sherwood Bondra seems close to the Iggy to me.

Much deeper. The Bondra S-W is more like an Inno McCarty/ TPS Sundin

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The Sherwood Bondra seems close to the Iggy to me.

Much deeper. The Bondra S-W is more like an Inno McCarty/ TPS Sundin

Ah, ok. I haven't used it in years but when I started using the Iggy it reminded me of the Bondra for some reason.

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