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Bauer XXX Lite Online?

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Does anybody know of an online merchant with Bauer XXX Lite in the Kovalchuk pattern in stock? I'm looking for a righty in 87(Reg) flex.


(BTW - So you don't think I'm a lazy bastage, I've already emailed and call all of the retailers I know.)

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Only 4 retailers in the US have the Vapor XXX Lites right now, from my understanding. One of them is the one that JR and I work for in Michigan...

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My LHS has the lite stick,but no P91. They were available in a pack of only PM9/P88/P92 to any retailer from what I understand.

I think Josh may be right about only a couple retailers having the P91 in the states.

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My LHS has the lite stick,but no P91. They were available in a pack of only PM9/P88/P92 to any retailer from what I understand.

I think Josh may be right about only a couple retailers having the P91 in the states.


they have every curve including St. Louis and Samsonov i didnt think they came in these curves so why do they sell them here?

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My LHS has the lite stick,but no P91. They were available in a pack of only PM9/P88/P92 to any retailer from what I understand.

I think Josh may be right about only a couple retailers having the P91 in the states.


they have every curve including St. Louis and Samsonov i didnt think they came in these curves so why do they sell them here?

they must of made a mistake.

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