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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wieghted puck - anybody using them?

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wow, the metal puck looks strange. I bet u will break a lot of blade with that.

I saw people use the weighted puck in stick & puck session. But the thing is, that guy can't even skate very good.

I won't use it cause it changes my feel to the real puck in game.

Lifting weights in Gym will help your shots better.

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i would go for the rubber one, as you arent supposed to shoot the metal puck, although for synthetic ice it would be better for the stick handling

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Personally i think the 10 oz weighted puck can be used to help learn to "cushion" the puck when receiving a pass, so ideally use it with someone else passing back and forth. Also used to take shots; then use the real game puck and it "flies" off your stick.

I have used a weighted puck as warmup before a game, then find i move the puck better, accept passes easier, and shoot a little harder!

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If you are using it for off the ice training , there is a training ball that is weighted just like a puck.

I'm not a big fan of the smart balls, they don't slide on most surfaces and are too tall. Everytime I try to stickhandle quickly, it goes shooting off because my stick isn't lifted high enough.

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A friend of mine has the metal one. He likes it a lot and says that it works well on the synthetic ice. He thinks that it slides better than the regular pucks.

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