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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bourque retail?

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Did SW drop this pattern?

I see it in their pattern chart on their website, but I don't see any sticks in that pattern (on their same updated site) i.e. 5030's or 9950's.

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Awwo c'mon, I'm sure we've got some people here that know.

I did search before I posted, honest!

All I found was that someone said the coffey and bourque are the most popular sw patterns and would most likely never be discontinued however I see nothing being made in the bourque while there are still coffey's.

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As far as I know SW no longer offers that curve on their retail wood sticks. The last Bourque curve I saw was on a 7000 stick that I bought several years ago.

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I´ve seen a couple of Bourque 9950 at my LHS recently but am not sure if they are the current model. I´ve never seen that curve on OPS, though so it´s very well possible that it was discontinued.

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