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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Community Shops/Sites

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I am going to be getting some new gear after christmas, but would rather help out the community here than shop at some online superstore or some huge local chain.

does somebody have a list of MSH user sites? I know JR and a few others have their own shops.. could you pm me the URL's?

Thanks :)

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Or better still, post them here. There is only one shop in this area (washington DC) that I like. And thats skatequest out in reston. The guy there was friendly, patient and didn't try to oversell me on stuff, when he knew I was just starting out.

I went to 3 others and just got the impression that the guys were trying to fleece me (in fact I posted prices I was offered for Bauer skates here and was told I was being ripped off).

The LHS has as much to do with the people there as it does the stock. If there is something I could not get from Curt out at reston, I would certainly patronize any hockey store owners here, as this is where I get all my equipment questions answered, and I'm pretty sure I have asked some dumb questions

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