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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK 3K senior hockey stick

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OK, so I looked on rbkhockey.com, and could not find it, I looked on the usual places and could not find it.

There is a RBK 3k senior stick for sale on e-bay. I am not a very good player yet, but I try my best.

I am not sure if this is a wooden stick or a composite. On a previous thread I asked about curves similar to the Koho Jagr curve, and was told Datsyuk is similar.

I am just using regular woodies now, and would be interested in trying a composite, but don't want to go high end straight away.

I could not find the 3K on the reebok site, so thought I would ask here as this is where I get most of my answers.

Is this a wood or composite stick, and how much is a fair price for it.

Thank you

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I think thats Rbk's top wood stick. It sells around me in Nova Scotia for 39.99

OK, thanks, thats what I needed to know.

I bought a bunch of Jagr curve wood sticks a while back when the LHS here was having a closeout sale, so don't need any more.

Thought if it was a composite entry level I would try it. Our LHS has the TPS older model shafts for $50 at the minute in closeout, and thought about it, but would like to try the one piece.

Thanks for your help though

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