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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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innovative true one

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last season i didn't play. i didn't make the team so i didn't play. but in december i bought a true one, 'new', from a person on ebay. i went to LA for a month, came back, used twice, and realized that the blade had split on the top of the blade. stiffness was all gone.

i was pertty disappointed to say the least. to you guys, do you think the person screwed me? because i didn't examin the blade wen it got to me, so i think maybe he soold me a bad stick.....

well anyways.. the purpose of the post is to tell you that, today i have successfully cut the true one and fit a tapered blade in it.

it was a pain in the butt. i don't know if its all sticks, but once you cut the trueone at the "fuss ponit", you gota poke and take out all the foam. to taper the stick, you would need to cut it at the last N, or V on the other side.

for instance

bottom of the shaft top of the shaft

[vitavonni cut half the V off ( the / )

[novative cut half the n off, so only | is left.

now, get ready for 30 min of filing. here is how it's shapped inside. the top is the thickest, the bottom is the thinnest. and the sides taper in thickness. when you look directly at it, its actually a peanut shaped hole. so, start filing, and file for about 30 min or so. be sure to file deep inside the stick, for its peanut shape all the way, and you need it as a rectangular shape for a tapered blade.

but thats about it.

mine was a 300 flex, and after fiting a wood tflex pro return in, id say its 260 now, with about 1-2 inch shorter. it'll get real stiff if you put a short hosselled blade in there.

well, good luck.. hope i haven't wasted your time.

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As I posted on a trade thread, I had the EXACT same thing happen to me with a 300 flex True 1 I bought new from a store. I used it a few times at pickup and while I loved the balance, just didn't like the feel that much. I just assumed it was part of the flex thing and that the stick wasn't for me.

I intended on trading the stick, but when I took the tape off the blade, I noticed a hairline split on top of the blade. I brought it back to the store and am waiting to see if the warranty rep will do something for me.

So while I obviously can't say whether the seller knew the stick he sold you was a dud or if it split after, now you know at least the same thing happened on another 300 stick. I have a 260 flex in the same stick and it definitely seems that there's more bulk to the blade. So far, no problems with it after quite a bit of use.

Thanks for the info on fitting the tapered blade. If Inno doesn't give me a new one, I'll give it a shot as well.

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Instead of filing, use a dremel tool or something similar. A two minute job then. I cut mine at the bottom of the "I" in INNOVATIVE, "dremelled" it out to fit a tapered blade, then glued in a tapered Hull Inno blade. I also used a cut up business card as a shim to keep everything good and snug. Works great, and has a very similar feel to the True 1.

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it was a pain in the butt. i don't know if its all sticks, but once you cut the trueone at the "fuss ponit", you gota poke and take out all the foam. to taper the stick, you would need to cut it at the last N, or V on the other side.

i dont get it? is this for all of the inno ops or just for the true 1?

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...Thats weird that you guys are having such problems with the blades. Of the four I bought in like, April I think, three are still going strong without any major signs of wear; and I am usually pretty hard on sticks. The one that broke snapped just above the beginning of the taper after taking a slash so hard my hands stung for a week. The blades of all my True-1s are still quite stiff, have the same great feel for the puck and don't have any considerable dings in them whatsoever.

Maybe I just got lucky...

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