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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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finally got my 8090s

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Depressing...after days of waiting for my xmas gift to come...they didnt fit....I guess my mom not knowing much about hockey figured she would buy the skates 1 size bigger so I had them longer....well you just cant do that. I even told her what size. I dont know why she would change it like that. I honestly feel sick right now cause I have a tourny tomorrow and I wanted to use them. :unsure:

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Depressing...after days of waiting for my xmas gift to come...they didnt fit....I guess my mom not knowing much about hockey figured she would buy the skates 1 size bigger so I had them longer....well you just cant do that. I even told her what size. I dont know why she would change it like that. I honestly feel sick right now cause I have a tourny tomorrow and I wanted to use them. :unsure:

That sucks but playing with new skates in a tourny is not a good thing to do either, Just bring them back and get a size smaller.

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8.5Ds they are too wide and too long. It just sucks cause it will take about another too weeks till I get them

If they are too wide,They are not the right skate for you ,you should always try on skates before buying them.

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8.5Ds they are too wide and too long. It just sucks cause it will take about another too weeks till I get them

If they are too wide,They are not the right skate for you ,you should always try on skates before buying them.

I had the 8090's--- they are a classic fit and a D is wider than a vapor D. Also it is a deep boot. the advice I got was you should try a 8000 before a 8090. the 8090 is a boot designed to compete with ccm and graf. this boot has a high arch higer than the vapors,large toe cap and wide and like I said deep. this skate as I found out is for a certain type of foot. and I agree with the guy above me you need to try this skate on. in my vapor I am a 9 in the 8090 I am a 8.5 my shoe size is 10.5. this skate does not fit my foot corectly.

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yeah but im skating on 7000 supremes now and my friend said the fit is similar. As far as trying them on goes, I live out in the sticks and there is honestly no place around that carries the 8090s. Peranis in Pittsburgh does not have them in stock.

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yeah but im skating on 7000 supremes now and my friend said the fit is similar. As far as trying them on goes, I live out in the sticks and there is honestly no place around that carries the 8090s. Peranis in Pittsburgh does not have them in stock.

trust me it does not fit the same. I just went through a sh!@ storm of fitting problems--and I wore supremes my hole life.

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8.5Ds they are too wide and too long. It just sucks cause it will take about another too weeks till I get them

If they are too wide,They are not the right skate for you ,you should always try on skates before buying them.

I had the 8090's--- they are a classic fit and a D is wider than a vapor D. Also it is a deep boot. the advice I got was you should try a 8000 before a 8090. the 8090 is a boot designed to compete with ccm and graf. this boot has a high arch higer than the vapors,large toe cap and wide and like I said deep. this skate as I found out is for a certain type of foot. and I agree with the guy above me you need to try this skate on. in my vapor I am a 9 in the 8090 I am a 8.5 my shoe size is 10.5. this skate does not fit my foot corectly.

the 8000s aren't even close to the 8090s when it comes to fit. 8090s are just way wider in general.

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8.5Ds they are too wide and too long. It just sucks cause it will take about another too weeks till I get them

If they are too wide,They are not the right skate for you ,you should always try on skates before buying them.

I had the 8090's--- they are a classic fit and a D is wider than a vapor D. Also it is a deep boot. the advice I got was you should try a 8000 before a 8090. the 8090 is a boot designed to compete with ccm and graf. this boot has a high arch higer than the vapors,large toe cap and wide and like I said deep. this skate as I found out is for a certain type of foot. and I agree with the guy above me you need to try this skate on. in my vapor I am a 9 in the 8090 I am a 8.5 my shoe size is 10.5. this skate does not fit my foot corectly.

the 8000s aren't even close to the 8090s when it comes to fit. 8090s are just way wider in general.

right---That is what Iam saying I was told by a dozen people that the 8000 skate is alot different fit than the 8090. the 8090 is wider deeper and has a higher arch---this is word fo word from bauer customer service and a few reps. thats why you should try the 8000 before the 8090--the 8090 is a different fit hence the 8000 fit is more common.

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