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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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mission sticks

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Just watching the leafs highlights -- Khavanov seems to have the same thing to -- Hex 1 shaft - black standard blade.

I was just going to mention him, he switched over from a SyNergy

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It really looks like a lot of pros are starting to convert.

There are a few more using Missions, but I wouldn't say 'a lot.' The biggest conversion I have seen is the use of Warrior.

Someone stated there are a lot more Bauer users than in previous years as well.

I've seen at least as many Missions as Warriors lately. They don't stand out as much and lower profile guys are using them.

Two or three Bruins are using them, but now they all have standard blades in them. Possible that they're M-2's painted.

I'm seeing a lot of the combos but I highly doubt they're M2s considering the fact they're being discontinued.

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I find it kind of strange that so many people have a Hex-1 with a standard blade in them. I figure that if they would use them they'd use it as an OPS, or when it broke put in a tapered blade. That and they all look to be cut in about the same place, that arouses more suspicion.

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I find it kind of strange that so many people have a Hex-1 with a standard blade in them. I figure that if they would use them they'd use it as an OPS, or when it broke put in a tapered blade. That and they all look to be cut in about the same place, that arouses more suspicion.

And it couldn't possibly be new product with a hex paint job. ;)

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anson carter was using a black mission shaft in the game last night, anybody seen something like that?

i watched some of that game and at one point i thought he was using a blue stick, then a dark grey like the hex 1 grip <_<

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