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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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quick question on skate fit

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i'm plannin of gettin new skates and i wanted to know how the bauer vapor line compares with the ccm vector line in terms of fit. for example are the widths the same and most imprtantly, would i get the same size skate in bauer and ccm.

thanks for the help,


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The Vectors are a wider skate. The Vapors are narrow and are designed for someone with a flat foot. They sizing will be different for each brand. Best thing to do would be to try them on.

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I've usually seen about a half size smaller in ccm's than bauers. ccm 7.5 to a bauer 8, It may not be as much as a half size but there is a difference. And I agree that the vectors are usually wider, especially in the instep and toebox. The heels are pretty close in comparision

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My opinion only:

Vapor line is designed for people with narrow to normal feet, as the shape and contour of the boot fits low-volume feet better.

Nike skates are designed to be accomodating, which means more volume for the arch, and for the foot itself.

if you have wide and voluminous foot - you will "feel" Vapor skates, unless you re sized and fitted properly.

Fitting, done by knowlegeable people, is extremely important.

Let's you have 7.5 skate size - you might fit into 7.5 or 8.0 with equal comfort. It's not a rule that you should go with bigger, or smaller skate.

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Well, just remember the vectors are ccm's Vapors. When looking for skates my final 2 choices were the vector pro and vapor 30. the vector 8.5 E was actually tighter fitting to me than the Vapor 9 2E. At the store my right foot fell asleep with the vectors. I was told both skates are very similar in fit and both have about the same arch's. normal toe box. I took the foot insert out of the vapor and put on top of the vector and the vapor was actually wider!!--No Lie!! I chose the 30's just felt more comfortable. But the vector does have more ankle padding then the Vapor XXX.

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i'm plannin of gettin new skates and i wanted to know how the bauer vapor line compares with the ccm vector line in terms of fit. for example are the widths the same and most imprtantly, would i get the same size skate in bauer and ccm.

thanks for the help,


Best bet would to be (in my opinion) if you are really unsure you need to go to a good hockey store and try on all the top skates. Don't just settle for 30's because a ton of people have them. Buy what fits you best, and what works with your budget.

Don't be fooled into 30's easily, they are great skates but not the skate for everyone.

Good luck

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i'm plannin of gettin new skates and i wanted to know how the bauer vapor line compares with the ccm vector line in terms of fit. for example are the widths the same and most imprtantly, would i get the same size skate in bauer and ccm.

thanks for the help,


Best bet would to be (in my opinion) if you are really unsure you need to go to a good hockey store and try on all the top skates. Don't just settle for 30's because a ton of people have them. Buy what fits you best, and what works with your budget.

Don't be fooled into 30's easily, they are great skates but not the skate for everyone.

Good luck

30's fit me BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and I wasnt pushing them down anybodys throat.

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I'm well aware of the difference between CCM and Bauer boots, CCM vectors fit me nicely, but how does Mission skates (both inline and ice) compare to CCM & Bauer?

Was I addresssing you?

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i'm plannin of gettin new skates and i wanted to know how the bauer vapor line compares with the ccm vector line in terms of fit. for example are the widths the same and most imprtantly, would i get the same size skate in bauer and ccm.

thanks for the help,


Best bet would to be (in my opinion) if you are really unsure you need to go to a good hockey store and try on all the top skates. Don't just settle for 30's because a ton of people have them. Buy what fits you best, and what works with your budget.

Don't be fooled into 30's easily, they are great skates but not the skate for everyone.

Good luck

yeah, definately get what fits your foot. If neither Vector or Vapor fits your foot but you feel you want to get it just because it looks good or for some other reason, I reccomend you try something else that actually does fit your foot. And I dunno if it's just me, but I can't fit into Vectors at all but I can get them into Vapors.

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i'm plannin of gettin new skates and i wanted to know how the bauer vapor line compares with the ccm vector line in terms of fit. for example are the widths the same and most imprtantly, would i get the same size skate in bauer and ccm.

thanks for the help,


Best bet would to be (in my opinion) if you are really unsure you need to go to a good hockey store and try on all the top skates. Don't just settle for 30's because a ton of people have them. Buy what fits you best, and what works with your budget.

Don't be fooled into 30's easily, they are great skates but not the skate for everyone.

Good luck

yeah, definately get what fits your foot. If neither Vector or Vapor fits your foot but you feel you want to get it just because it looks good or for some other reason, I reccomend you try something else that actually does fit your foot. And I dunno if it's just me, but I can't fit into Vectors at all but I can get them into Vapors.

I was shocked when the vapors fit me better than the vectors--CCM has the rumor of being a wider skate. And I Agree, I do want to add that my 30 were a gift from friends so I don't advise anybody to purchase this skate just to have it. My wife would of killed me if I brought this skate home :D

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