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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauers to Grafs

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Santa got me a pair of g3s and I'm playing in them for the first time tomorrow. I've been a Bauer guy forever (XXs this time) and am a little anxious about the "forard pitch" of the grafs.

Anyone having any experiences to relate?


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I just switched from 5000's to 707's. But I did have the Cobra's replaced with Tuuk Custom +'s. I didn't have much trouble switching, but that was probably because I had the holders switched.

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You've gone form one extreme to another. From sitting back on your heels to way forward onto your toes. Grafs are about the most forward leaning skates you can buy and you'll feel like your leaning forward more on the balls of your feet. The skate boot itself will be a superior fit to a Bauer boot because these babies are made for comfort but that forward lean takes time to adjust to. Give yourself at least six to ten games to adjust to the contour. I think you'll notice it most while skating backwards because it tends to slightly decrease you're agility until you adjust. Skating forward you'll notice you corner much quicker, and the blades dig into the ice a split second earlier but your mobiility will be excellent. I personally have never been able to adjust to the forward lean and have had to recontour any Grafs I've owned to a more neutral contour roughly the same as CCM but that is me. Most guys tough it out and gradually adjust. Once you adjust you should be fine but again give yourself time. I've recently changed to Easton Snergys and it toke me about seven to eight games to adjust to the slightly more forward lean on those as compared to my older Tacks so its something you'll go though every time you switch brands. ;)

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Thanks duch,

I'm prepared to have to adjust to these puppies. The only other issue will be the composite outsole; I've read of some problems with them de-laminating. I just hope the boots hold up; my XXs broke down pretty quickly.

We shall see.

Thanks again guys

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I had a pair of G3s that I bought about a year and a half ago when they first came out in canada(was there for a tourny) and they worked fine up until this August, when the boot dismantled from the composite outsole. I went to a hockey shop here in MI and they sent them into Graf, and Graf gave me a store credit for that shop to get another pair of G3s or any other pair of skates (graf or non-graf)

The newer pairs of G3s should not dismantle, because the first made pairs dismantled due to a manufacturing problem. The G3 is an excellent skate though, and I love the performance I got out of them.

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I have the G5s and I love them!!! They are awesome!!! I did have a pair of 705s and my foot grew and I needed a new skate and knowone had 705s where I was from so I had to get Vapor 10s!!! I hated them!!! I switched right back to the grafs!!! I would never wear a bauer/nike boot ever again!!! You might have trouble , you might not it just depends on how you skate and how you like??? Being on your heels betters or on your toes!!! Have fun!!!

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Went from the 3000's I wore for 7 years since Junior to a pair of G5's this fall.

Takes about 4 skates, and as previously stated the pitch is the big difference. I had a pair of 705 with Tuuk+ for a week or so, but there was a last problem in the boot. So I upgraded to G5 and left the cobras on. Great fit, small adjustment period for a superior all around skate.

Edit: also, with Bauers I was a tape the shinnies over the tongue and around the whole thing guy. Now I go no tape and use the forward lean. I think that was the bigger adjustment truthfully.

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Thanks Hombre,

I'm really psyched to get out there. Were you suprised by the pliability of the boot? Just grabbing the boot above the holder and squeezing, it seems like there's a good amount of give there. Of course, I had them baked,...

Anyway, I'll post my first-skate thoughts.

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I'm sure you will be happy with your new Grafs. I have been using Grafs for the last 6 years and I will never go back to a different brand. Currently I have a pair of G5s and a pair of 709s. Both of these skates are very comfortable and I really like the forward pitch. Also, Graf skates are really durable (besides the issues with the early G series skates). The boots hold up for a long time, and the Cobra holders last forever.

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I played this morning. These skates are pretty damn impressive.

I really was concerned about the adjustment, especially with the Cobra holder, but surprisingly, I didn't have any issues in that department. Of course, I had a little discomfort due to overly-tight lacing and had to stop to fix that.

What was completely amazing was the stiffness of the skate, and the control I had. You never know just how borken down your skates are until you skate in a new pair. Better ability to corner, seemingly more power in each stride.

I also noticed, however, that these are not as light at my Bauer XXs. I'll get over it.

Thanks to all who came before me on this and other boards for the skate expertise.

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Did you notice a difference in the cut of the boot ? Grafs are cut a little lower than Vapors. Curious to see if the support was still there being lower cut.

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I don't know if they're actually cut lower, or are just designed in a way that leaves less boot at the top. But, yes, I did notice when I bought them. On the ice, not a factor.

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Did u notice your crossovers, turns and skating to be worse? cause i had vapor xxx's and had to wear synergys while they were sent back and i couldnt skate even when i got used to them

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