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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf- 709 or G9

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I have worn 705s, 709s, and G5s. The difference in performance between the 700 series and G series isn't very noticeable. The G series skates are a little bit lighter and stiffer. If you buy the G series skates be sure the skates you buy do not have the perforated steel blades. The skates that were released with the Cobra Lite blades (perforated) were the first generation of G series skates and they had some issues with the comosite outsole falling apart. The 700 series skates have held up really well for me. My 709s are over 2 years old and they are still very stiff.

Either way, you will be pleased with the 700 series or G series skates.

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I really like the 709 boot. Only thing is make sure you really look over your skates once you get them b/c graf QC stinks and their customer support is even worse.

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If you search a bit, and check my review on the multiple pairs of G-35s I have gone through, you might decide that you want to stay away from the G series. I'm assuming that all Graf carbon outsoles are created equal, so... <_<

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I went through my G-3s in a year, the boot came apart from whatever seperates it from the holder.

I wish mine would have lasted me a year. Unfortunately, I never owned a pair of the G-35s that went for more than a month or so before totally going to garbage.

Alot of the guys I talk to, however, love their G-*whatevers* There are some of us, apparently, that just have bad luck.

My problems were all near the balls of my feet. I'll see if I can get some pictures up so you guys can finally see what I mean.

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So the grey part started fraying or what? I had that happen near the green logo but it never got too out of hand before they split apart.

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Wow. That sucks. I just skated on my brand new G3s this morning for the first time. Good thing I got them through my LHS who will hopefully help me through the warrenty process if this kind of thing occurs.

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So the grey part started fraying or what?  I had that happen near the green logo but it never got too out of hand before they split apart.

Yes, the laminate (I believe that is what you are refering to) began to split and fray, but not long after that the actual carbon outsole cracked and fell apart.

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there have been problems with the carbon outsole/insole combination the 06 skates from what I hear are going to have a better quality since graf has noticed a problem. This is the real first tiem graf has ever used a true carbon fibre outsole so it will take a couple years just like anything to perfect it.

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there have been problems with the carbon outsole/insole combination the 06 skates from what I hear are going to have a better quality since graf has noticed a problem. This is the real first tiem graf has ever used a true carbon fibre outsole so it will take a couple years just like anything to perfect it.

If they noticed the problem, why tell cutomers there was no problem? If the product isn't right, don't release it. And if you do release it, man up and fix it ASAP, don't keep pumping out bad skates.

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