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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New shaft

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Looking for a new shaft to replace my z-bubble. Found a Vapor 10 shaft for $59 US. Worth it?

Otherwise I'll go for a grip lite.

Looking for feedback on both. TIA

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The Vapor 10 shaft is not very strong , it will break on you quickly.

Wait a few weeks if you can and pick up the new Synergy 2 shaft , it will be much better.

Hope this helps

Not a Vapor basher at all , just seen a lot break

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i would say go for it. I have found that the z-bubs are actually less durable than the vapor 10 shaft. 59.00 is a good deal but i would check out the sherwood forceflex shaft. it's nice

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Yes, it accepts all standard blades, although I have had a couple of people tell me their standard blade stressed the shaft. However, the strange thing is I know others who used the same blade with no problems, so my guess is there must be slight variances between different manufacturers' "standards" and the tolerances must be low.

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The Vapor 10 shaft is not very strong , it will break on you quickly.

Wait a few weeks if you can and pick up the new Synergy 2 shaft , it will be much better.

Hope this helps

Not a Vapor basher at all , just seen a lot break

is the synergy II just a renamed recolored synthesis?

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Looking for a new shaft to replace my z-bubble. Found a Vapor 10 shaft for $59 US. Worth it?

Otherwise I'll go for a grip lite.

Looking for feedback on both. TIA

What would a new z-bubble cost you ?

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You're close to Chadd, aren't you?

Check out a G10.

Good idea. Does it fit standard blades?

I think I have a couple 80s and a couple 90s left.

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Yes, it accepts all standard blades, although I have had a couple of people tell me their standard blade stressed the shaft. However, the strange thing is I know others who used the same blade with no problems, so my guess is there must be slight variances between different manufacturers' "standards" and the tolerances must be low.

Where can I find them in germany?

Who's the retailer? O.o

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The Vapor 10 shaft is not very strong , it will break on you quickly.

Wait a few weeks if you can and pick up the new Synergy 2 shaft , it will be much better.

Hope this helps

Not a Vapor basher at all , just seen a lot break

Nice reccomendation. Except for the fact that a Vapor 10 and ZBubble are Standard hoseled shafts, and the Synergy II, and R2 are both for tapered blades.

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Yes, it accepts all standard blades, although I have had a couple of people tell me their standard blade stressed the shaft. However, the strange thing is I know others who used the same blade with no problems, so my guess is there must be slight variances between different manufacturers' "standards" and the tolerances must be low.

Where can I find them in germany?

Who's the retailer? O.o

Bauer, I'm not sure what retailers carry our equipment in Germany, but here's the contact information for the Austrian distributor, who covers Germany. He should be able to tell you who has what products. (Truthfully, he's been selling the product longer, so his retailers may have already sold out of the G10's, since it's slightly older equipment -- end of 2004).

Christian Gross

Create-Sports Hockey & Inline

Wettersteinstrasse 13

6806 Tosters

+43 56 73 42 00


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You're close to Chadd, aren't you?

Check out a G10.

Good idea. Does it fit standard blades?

I think I have a couple 80s and a couple 90s left.

I'd need a 90. I'll PM you. I get paid Thursday. And maybe I can be down next weekend.

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You're close to Chadd, aren't you?

Check out a G10.

Good idea. Does it fit standard blades?

I think I have a couple 80s and a couple 90s left.

I'd need a 90. I'll PM you. I get paid Thursday. And maybe I can be down next weekend.

Next weekend is the show, I'll be in Boston. Donna or Brad will take care of you if you make it out this way.

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