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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I have a pair of 301's in quite good shape. I wear a 9 shoe and I love them. I just bought a pair of S500's so I wont be needing them anymore. Let me know if your interested in them, I can send you some pics. G

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The Dousts where is nice skate. Only had one pair my whole life but didn't mind them at all. Went to Bauers after them because of the similar fit. Had comfort issues with Bauers and went to CCM and Easton and never looked back. Still those Dousts where on my feet for almost five years and where as good as anything on the market at the time.

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Daoust skates were amazing....Too bad Bauer stopped making them (and Micron Megas).

Probably best that they did stop making them.

The 355 and 555 were a joke! They were made on a Bauer last and were nowhere near the quality or fit of the old 301 and 501 series.

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I wonder what jimmy and DarkStar's opinion would be, but, my experience is that the 501 is probably the best skate ever made in this industry.

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wow, i'm in luck i guess.

i found a pair of 501's the other day that feel like they should fit me after i throw insoles in 'em. also found a pair of custom+ tuuks that are the right size in the same day. go me :]

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While on the topic, anyone know where I can get CCM 652 Original?  I know the pros still wear them, but just can't find them.

Those are nice skates - the original 652s. I was looking for them last year but had no luck.

I remember when Daoust went under, Yannic Perreault supposedly went out to every sporting goods store in Montreal and bought out their remaining stock...that's love. Just like Shanahan and his shoulder pads.

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