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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Copper Rivets

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I will bet $100 that no one can tell the difference between a skate with copper or steel.  You guys are ridiculous. No f'n way.

Hell, I'll take that bet. Copper rivets are the shiny non-black ones. Will that be cash or check? :lol:

Hey, and my skates only have 3 copper. I thought it was that I was out of shape but it could just be those 3 dame copper rivots holding me back! :blink:

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Who ever has the scale can weigh 28 split rivets and then weigh 28 copper rivets and washers. Let us know what the total weight is. We get excited about grams on a OPS so lets see how jacked up we get about rivets!!!!!

Tomorrow we are going to debate the weight of black cloth tape vs friction tape on a Forsberg blade taped from heel to toe. The debate will start promptly at 10 AM EDT.

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Who ever has the scale can weigh 28 split rivets and then weigh 28 copper rivets and washers. Let us know what the total weight is. We get excited about grams on a OPS so lets see how jacked up we get about rivets!!!!!

Tomorrow we are going to debate the weight of black cloth tape vs friction tape on a Forsberg blade taped from heel to toe. The debate will start promptly at 10 AM EDT.

Thin strip or wide? We want to make sure we get an accurate weight :lol:

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Who ever has the scale can weigh 28 split rivets and then weigh 28 copper rivets and washers. Let us know what the total weight is. We get excited about grams on a OPS so lets see how jacked up we get about rivets!!!!!

Tomorrow we are going to debate the weight of black cloth tape vs friction tape on a Forsberg blade taped from heel to toe. The debate will start promptly at 10 AM EDT.

So, today I was bored because everyone is back at work and kids in school, so I weighed 12 copper rivits and rings vs. 12 steel rivits. The steel rivits weighed 1 oz and the copper's 1.5 oz. However, the coppers were not trimmed. So I would guess after trimming, they would weight........ drum role please....1oz!!!!!! :D

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if your looking for weight they are heavier than standard rivets but you dont have to use as many of them if your going to just copper rivets

Anyone who cares about the weight difference between copper and steel rivets is absolutely retarded. What's next, using standard laces because the wax adds an extra gram?

:lol: My thoughts exactly, Chadd.

Why don't we all just stop wearing pads because they're heavy or bulky? We'll all be so mobile...and while we're at it, let's change the puck to a tennis ball so we can shoot harder...

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Every single rivet is falling out of my skates. The only ones holding or the copper ones. I gotta get them all.

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I am so glad this post came back I think it wouild be a good post to start a comic section in MSH. Dame I missed the 10am weigh in! Who won?? :lol: :lol:

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Every single rivet is falling out of my skates. The only ones holding or the copper ones. I gotta get them all.

You obviously are not drying your skates properly! A steel rivit should last years. Blow cold air into your skates. BTW, steel rivtes hold better and do not move around like copper. If you went all copper, your holder may shift.

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